love you to the moon and to saturn (requested)

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The silence in the air was nearly suffocating you.

Taylor sat beside you with her head buried in her hands. She was quiet and clearly under a lot of stress and though you're trying not to push her, you wish she'd just open up to you like she usually does.

She's had a stressful week.

Between re-recording her old albums and doing interviews, dealing with meetings left and right, trying to continue writing new music in between, and dealing with the negative things that come along with her career; which, despite her being able to do most of the time, she struggles to tune out sometimes.

You know she's exhausted and you understand why she's so stressed. But her being so quiet and not using you as her shoulder to cry on really made you worry.

You scooted closer to her and placed your hand on her shoulder. She blew out a heavy breath, followed by a groan falling from her lips before she shrugged her shoulder so your hand would move off of her.

"Tay? What's going on with you?"

"I'm just stressed." She grumbled and brushed her hands along her face.

"I'm here for you." You whispered and rubbed her back comfortingly. "What can I do to help? If you tell me, I'll do it in a heartbeat."

She stayed silent, which caused your heart to feel a bit sad. But you continued to offer to help, pouring out idea after idea of what you could do to bring her some relief.

"How about a massage? You're awfully tense, baby. Or maybe a hot bath? Or we could curl up and watch some cozy movies together? I could pour us some wine and we can just talk about your week? We could order takeout and you can tell me everything on your mind-"

"Can you just stop?" She asked as she turned her head to look at you. "Seriously, y/n, just stop. You're getting on my nerves."

"I'm just trying to help." You whispered and swallowed the lump that was growing in your throat. "I love you and I wanna help you."

"You wanna help me?"

You nodded.

"Then get away from me. You're being so annoying right now, y/n. My week has been bad enough and now you're making me even more overhwelmed by constantly talking to me when I just want you to give some space! Okay?"

"That's mean, Tay," you spoke, only for her to scoff. "I'm just trying to be a good girlfriend by being here for you! You'd do the same for me."

"No, what you're doing is getting on my nerves. Don't make me feel worse. Just go away!"

You felt tears in your eyes. The thought of annoying someone you love so much is a bit of a fear that you have.

You always worry that you're too clingy, too bothersome to people, especially Taylor, who you love more than anything else in the world.

So hearing those words fall from her lips hurt you deeply.

"Fine." You said and grabbed your phone, keys, wallet, and shoes before heading out the door.

You took one last peek at her before you slammed it shut, only to find her head buried back in her hands and her fingers rubbing along her temples.

She wasn't stopping you from leaving. She wasn't following you out, pleading for you to listen as she spoke apology after apology. She just let you leave without any hesitation.

And, so you began to wonder, why you were hesitating to leave when she clearly couldn't care less.

You slammed the door behind you and went to your car before driving off to a nearby motel for the night.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now