lipstick prank (requested)

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"Hi, Tay!" You cheerfully greeted your girlfriend as she walked through the door.

"Hi, darling," She happily said back to you as she closed the door behind her before putting her things on the floor and then looking over at you.

When you got up to give her a hug and started to get close to her, you noticed the look of disbelief on her face and her wide blue eyes.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"What's wrong? Y/N, why is there a lipstick stain on your cheek?"

"What are you talking about?"

It was clear that you were genuinely confused and the adorable expression on your face almost made Taylor break.

But she kept it together, biting at her lip as she lowered her head momentarily to keep herself from smiling.

"Don't play innocent with me."

"I'm not, Taylor. I'm confused. I don't know what you mean."

"Are you serious, y/n? You're just going to stand there and lie to me? There's a lipstick stain on your cheek, as if someone kissed it! How can you stand there pretending to be confused when I see it!"

"That's impossible, Tay. I've been by myself all day. The only company I've had is from the cats."

She rolled her eyes, scoffing as if she couldn't believe you'd lie to her about such a thing.

"I don't know what you're talking about." You grumbled before walking up the stairs to the bathroom in your shared bedroom, needing to see this lipstick stain for yourself.

Taylor was following behind you, standing in the doorway as you walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror.

"See, Tay! Nothing!"

You looked at her in the mirror, seeing her smirking at you.

You closed your eyes, sighing as you realized she had pranked you.

"Gotcha, baby girl."

"Tay, that wasn't funny." You whined as she walked up behind you and pulled you into her arms, her lips brushing against your shoulders and the back of your neck.

"You looked so confused, so precious."

"That's because I was actually confused. I knew I had no lipstick stain on my cheek."

"And yet, I still got you." She teased and playfully tickled your sides, making you pout at her as you turned around. "Oh, I just love you so much!"

"I love you too." You whispered and she gave you a quick kiss on your lips before kissing your cheek, her lips lingering on your skin for a few seconds.

"There, baby. Now you really do have a lipstick stain on your cheek." She teased, staring at the mark of her red lips on your soft kissable skin.

You playfully rolled your eyes at her, making her giggle before she pulled you in for another kiss, this one lasting longer than before.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now