candy challenge (requested)

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"So, in order to do this challenge, there's one thing you have to do." You said as you sat in front of Taylor on the bed.

She was intrigued by this challenge that you've been telling her about and with some free time on her hands for the next few days, it was something she wanted to finally do with you.

Her blue eyes went big when you pulled the blindfold out from behind you.

"I have to blindfold you." You said and brushed your fingers through her blonde locks, hoping they wouldn't get caught up in the blindfold when you put it on her.

"Well, I won't complain about that." She said and raised her eyebrows playfully, causing you to playfully smack her shoulder and giggles to fall from her lips.

You carefully tied it over her eyes and then waved your hands in front of them to be sure she couldn't see anything.

"You can't see anything?"

"Nope. Not a thing." She said as she put her hands on her lap, patiently waiting on your next move.


"Can you explain this one more time to me? So I know I'm doing everything right?" She asked.

"Sure, my love!" You happily said as you pulled out the first bag of candy from behind your back. "So, I'm going to eat a piece of candy and then I'll kiss you and you'll guess what it is that I ate. Sound good?"

"Oh, yeah," She said as a smirk tugged at her lips. "I especially love the kissing part."

"Tay, the whole point is for you to guess what candy I ate. Don't focus too much on the kissing or else you'll lose."

She shrugged her shoulders as you tore open the bag of candy.

You put a piece in your mouth and chewed it for a few seconds before swallowing it down and leaning in to kiss Taylor's lips.

"Oh, I know what that one is!" She said. "Now & Later's, cherry to be exact."

"Correct! Good job, baby."

She waited a few seconds, listening closely to the sound of another thing of candy being torn open.

You took a few bites before swallowing it down and putting your lips back on Taylor's, causing a soft sigh to fall from her lips.

"I love your kisses so much," She whispered against your lips.

"Tay, that's not the point of the challenge! Don't get so carried away."

She shook her head with a laugh, muttering quietly about how that just wasn't possible when it came to you and your kisses.

"Come on, guess!"

"Hershey kisses,"

"Correct, again! Great job."

She puckered her lips, hoping for a reward for getting both correct so far.

But you just carried on opening the next candy, knowing that if you kissed her she'd get swept away and the challenge would be forgotten about.

"Next one," You said before she felt your lips on hers.


"Three for three!"

She felt around for your hand and when she found it, she took it into hers.

"Give me a kiss."

"After I finish the next candy."

"No," She giggled. "Come on, kiss me now, darling. I've done a great job. Just one innocent little kiss. You know you want to kiss me as badly as I want to kiss you."

You couldn't deny that.

You caved instantly and put your lips on hers, planning to give her one sweet innocent little kiss just as she asked for.

But, just as you thought, she got caught up and wouldn't let you pull away.

"Tay," You spoke against her lips. "We still have more of the challenge to do."

"We'll finish it later." She said as she put her hands on your hips and pulled you onto her lap.

She reached behind her head with one hand to untie her blindfold and she tossed it onto the floor before she laid you back against the mattress as she deepened the kiss.

"I can't focus on the challenge right now, sweet girl. I can only focus on you." She said. "And how much I want to kiss you and touch you."

You just sighed against her lips, wordlessly telling her that you wanted the same thing.

"So, do we agree that finishing the challenge later sounds better than now? So we can make out for a while instead?" She asked, smirking against your neck as she started to kiss it.

"Yes, Tay,"

"Good, darling," She smiled, happily continuing to kiss across your soft skin.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now