just close your eyes (requested)

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The sound of thunder crashing made your eyes fly open.

You were sitting in the passenger seat of the car while Taylor drove and you had been trying to fall asleep as the long car ride was beginning to catch up with you.

However, the thunder and lightning crashing were enough to startle you and make you feel wide awake again.

"I didn't see a storm on the forecast." You told Taylor as she began to slow down as the rain came pouring down.

"I didn't see any rain either but it seems that the weather has a mind of its own." She replied as she carefully drove.

"Rain is one thing, a thunderstorm is another." You said as your anxiety began to grow.

You have a huge fear of storms.

You usually prefer to curl up under the covers with Taylor when they hit.

But that's not currently an option since you're on the road together, making the way to your destination which was still a few hours away.

It wasn't that late but the sky was so dark from the storm that it sure looked it.

And that only made you feel more uncomfortable.

Sensing your fear, Taylor reached over and placed her hand on your thigh.

"Honey, I know you're scared of storms but I promise you that we're going to be just fine. If it gets too bad, I'll pull over and we'll crash somewhere for the night."

"That's not what I'm scared of, Tay. You know how much I hate storms. They really scare me. This time, I can't escape it."

"But I'm here with you, darling, and I'm not going to let anything happen to you." She promised as she brushed her fingers soothingly across your skin.

You took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down.

It was hard because you felt so frightened but with Taylor there with you, your anxieties seemed to fade away.

"You've got nothing to worry about, my love. The rain is easing up and the thunder and lightning aren't crashing as often."

You sighed as you put your head back on the pillow.

"It's still going to be a few hours and you're sleepy. Try to get a little rest."

"I don't think I can."

"You can, baby. You're fine, I promise." She spoke as she took your hand into her free one. "Just close your eyes."

You closed your eyes a few seconds later and shifted around in your seat to try and get a little rest.

The thunder crashing still made you jump at first, but Taylor was quick to comfort you when you needed it.

"Shh." She soothed as you jumped. "Calm down, my love. It's alright."

Surprisingly, you began to drift off to sleep just a few minutes later, despite the thunder still lingering.

"I'm here, sweet girl. Just sleep. You're okay. I love you lots."

"I love you more, baby." You mumbled as you began to drift off to sleep, feeling calm, finally, all thanks to Taylor.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now