#3 (requested)

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Taylor couldn't help but grin when she heard the rush of footsteps across the floor as soon as she walked inside the house.

"Mom!" Two excited voices called out before she felt small arms wrapping around her waist and her legs.

Your six-year-old daughter was hugging her waist while your four-year-old son hugged her legs. She stared down at them, grinning as they stared up at her.

"Hi, babies! How are you today?"

"Good!" Your daughter said.

"That's good to hear! I missed you both today." She bent down, kneeling on the floor so she could hug them.

"Missed you too."

"You know who else I missed? Your mom. Where's she at?"

Taylor lifted her gaze from the kids and began to look around but she didn't see you anywhere.

"She's sick."

"What?" Taylor asked, her heart pounding in worry against your chest over your son's response. "Sick? Where she's at?"

Your daughter pointed to the stairs and Taylor knew that you had to be up in your shared bedroom.

"Why don't you go play and I'll be back in a few minutes?" She smiled and kissed both of their heads before getting up and rushing upstairs. "Y/N?" She called out as she reached the bedroom.

Her heart sank upon seeing the bathroom door closed and the light on while she heard the sound of you vomiting inside.

"Babe?" She walked to the door and turned the knob, relieved to find that it was unlocked.

She walked inside just as you finished and stood up.

You flushed the toilet and washed your hands, a shaky breath falling from your lips.

"The kids told me you're sick. Why didn't you call or text me to tell me?" She asked as she hugged you from behind, her lips brushing against your shoulder.

"I'm okay, Tay." You said as you rinsed your mouth out with some water.

She put her hand on your forehead and felt relieved upon feeling that you had no fever.

"Maybe I should take you to urgent care real fast or to the doctors in the morning. I'm so worried about you and what if you've got something that the kids could catch."

"Don't worry, Tay. They're not going to catch what I have. I can promise you that." You said as you brushed your teeth and tongue, trying to get the disgusting taste of vomit out of your mouth.

"How do you know that for sure?"

You put your toothbrush back in the holder and then turned around to face her.

"I can't tell you et."

"Why?" She asked, the worry evident in her voice. "Y/N, baby, please tell me whatever it is. You're making me worried."

You sighed and put your hands on her shoulders.

"Are you sure you can't wait about two days for the things I bought to arrive? So I can give you the news in an adorable way."

"I'm positive. Tell me. Please."

You sighed before taking her hands into yours.

"Tay... I'm pregnant."

She froze for a few seconds as the news sank in.

"You're pregnant?" She gasped, her hands covering her mouth in shock. "A third baby? We're having another baby?"

"Yeah!" You giggled as she squealed and threw her arms around you.

"I'm so happy!" She said as tears filled her eyes.

You aid your cheek on her shoulder. You, too, felt so happy that it's brought you to tears.

This is what you and Taylor have been hoping for; a big family.

You both knew you didn't want to stop at two, but to let your son and daughter grow a bit you held off on going back to the doctors to go through the same options and procedures as you did before, when you got pregnant for the first few times.

But you knew a couple of months ago that you were ready for another baby, so you went back again and, yet again, it was successful.

"We did it again." She grinned as she slowly put you on your feet.

"We did." You squealed before she kissed your lips a few times.

"We should celebrate!"

"Does the celebration have to involve food?" You groaned as your stomach began to feel funny again.

"Morning sickness?"

You nodded and put your forehead on her shoulder.

"Oh, my love," she sighed as she rubbed your back.

"I've been feeling a little sick the last couple of days but this morning, shortly after you left, I knew I was going to be sick. But I didn't feel like I caught something and I just had a feeling that the procedures worked... again."

A tear fell down her cheek, one of pure happiness, as she put her forehead on yours and put her hand on your stomach.

"We have to tell the kids!"

"Let's do it tomorrow. Just for tonight, let's celebrate together. They have to go to bed soon, so maybe we can cuddle and watch some movies."

"Okay." She grinned and kissed you once more.

She looked away from your eyes and down to her stomach, where her hand was brushing across your soft skin.

"Hello in there." She whispered. "I know you're tiny still but just know that I love you so much already."

Your heart fluttered as you listened to her speak to the tiny human inside you.

"I'm so excited already." She sniffled as she looked up at you. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." You said, pecking her lips. "I can't wait to meet them."

"Me neither." She said, kissing your neck. "And the journey begins again, with baby number three."

You giggled and put your arms around her neck, so overjoyed to embark on this exciting journey with her once more and add a new addition to your beautiful family.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now