don't you? (requested)

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"Go get another drink!" Your friend said as she noticed you staring at the empty red solo cup in your hand.

You looked around at the people everywhere on the roof, where your friend was throwing a party tonight.

You didn't recognize many of the faces here.

Part of you just wished you could escape through the crowd and go out the door to head home.

It's been a while since you've been to a party and they're not as joyous or fun as you remember them being with Taylor.


Your ex.

The woman you love and miss more than anything.

But things didn't work out between you two, which is why you broke up three long and exhausting weeks ago.

"Y/N!" Your friend groaned, shaking your shoulder. "Stop spacing out. Go get another drink. We're here to have fun and let loose! Go!" She giggled and encouraged you to get another drink by gently pushing you across the room.

You sighed as you reached the drink area, finding yourself reaching for something stronger than what you just had.


That sounded like what you needed.

You began to pour yourself a little when someone came up and stood beside you.

"Are you in need of something strong to drink too?" You joked.


The way that this person said your name, the way it fell from their lips, caused you to freeze as it felt much too surreal.

How many drinks have you had?

You can't remember.

Was it enough to make you hear her voice and, as you slowly lifted your head, see her face too?

You didn't know what to say or do.

You almost didn't think she was standing there in front of you.

But she was.

You knew she was there when you felt her fingers gently brush against yours.


She sent you a small, sad smile as she stared at you.

"Can we talk?"

You nodded and she intertwined her fingers with yours as she led you away from the crowd of unfamiliar faces to somewhere more private.

A hallway.

Not the most romantic of places to talk or to possibly rekindle things.

But you had your privacy and you were alone.

That's all you cared about.

"What are you doing here?"

"Your friend invited me," Taylor said and you shook your head with a chuckle.

"Someone's trying to play matchmaker."

She chuckled with you, staring down at your hand that was still intertwined with hers.

"I'm happy she did." She confessed.

Your eyes met her blue ones, a shaky breath falling from your lips as you noticed the look of hope inside them.

"Please tell me you are too."

"I am." You said, watching as her lips pulled into a smile.

"It's been so long since I've seen you and been able to hold your hand."

"It's been three weeks, Tay,"

She giggled before she started to caress your cheek.

"Feels like forever."

It truly had.

"Why did we even end things when it feels so perfect when we're together? From the moment you took my hand, I felt the love I always felt for you flood over me. Being with you for these few minutes has felt more perfect than ever."

"My job... my life. I wanted you to have the chance to branch out and meet new people and see how good life could be without everything my life brings."

"Well, you were foolish for thinking that. I was foolish for agreeing to it."

She smiled at you once more and your heart started to skip a beat.

"You miss me... don't you?"

She wasn't teasing you or asking you.

She was telling you that she already knew.

"I can't imagine walking out of this party tonight, trying to go on with my life and staying friends. I can't pretend, Y/N. You will never just be my friend. I can't go through that. I miss you so much. Please tell me. Please tell me that you miss me too."

This was your best friend.

But the thing about Taylor is that despite being your best friend, she's also the love of your life.

She's the one for you, just as you're the one for her.

And nothing could ever change that.

So, instead of answering her, you leaned in and pulled her in for a passionate kiss.

She melted as your lips moved against hers and while her hand stayed on your cheek, her other one fell to your hip to keep you close as everything fell back into place.

"I love you." You said.

Oh, how she's been wanting to hear you say that again.

"I love you too, darling."

You smiled against her lips as you kissed her once more.

"Can we get out of here?"

"Do you have all of your things?" She asked and you nodded before grabbing your hand, bringing it to your lips for a kiss.

"Then let's go, baby."


She led you out to the car and, since you took an Uber here, you hopped right into her car as she put the key in.

"Home." She confirmed.

At last, you were finally going home.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now