you get sick in the middle of the night (requested)

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The whimpers falling from your lips from beside her woke Taylor from her slumber.

"Y/N?" She mumbled and blindly reached for the switch on the lamp to turn it on.

She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and blinked a few times to adjust to the light before she turned over.

Her heart sank as soon as she saw you. You were sat up against the pillows with your eyes squeezed shut and your hand on your stomach.

You had beads of sweat running down your skin and as soon as she laid her hand on your back she realized your shirt was damp from it.

"Baby? What's going on?" She asked, obviously concerned about you.

"I feel really sick, Tay," you groaned and Taylor rubbed your shoulder softly.

"Let me feel your forehead." She whispered softly, gently laying your hand on your feverish skin. "You're burning up."

You whimpered as your stomach started to ache worse.

"What can I do, baby?"

You shrugged with a groan. At this point, you didn't really know what would help you feel better. You know your stomach is really aching and you feel really nauseous and as much as you don't want to admit it, you know, deep down, that there's probably one thing that's going to help you feel better.

You started to shiver a little as the chills came over you. Taylor watched in sadness, wanting more than anything to help you feel better.

She was thinking about grabbing you some sheets to cover you with or maybe a bucket for you to get sick in and some medicine to take down your fever.

But before she got the chance to offer to get you any of those things, you were scooting toward the edge of the bed slowly as your whimpers continued.

"Y/N? What is it?"

"I feel like I'm gonna throw up." You mumbled and tried to get out of bed, only for your foot to get caught in the blanket.

"Okay, let me help you, baby." She said before she jumped out of bed and rushed to your side, hoping she could help you untangle it and get you into the bathroom before you got sick.

But your stomach flipped just as she knelt on the floor to help you.

You got sick onto the floor by her feet and a little on the sheets and you were unable to stop once you started.

It didn't last long, thankfully. But it was awful nonetheless.

All Taylor could do was rub your back and coax you through it, only for you to look as if you were going to cry when you finished.

"Oh, baby girl," she shushed and comfortingly rubbed your shoulder before she brushed back a few strands of hair that clung to your forehead.

"I'm sorry, Tay."

"Shh, don't be. It's alright. It happens. You're sick, baby. It's not your fault."

You nodded and leaned into her touch when she caressed your cheek lovingly.

"Come on. Let's get you all cleaned up. You'll feel better."

You nodded and she helped you stand up to lead you into the bathroom, where she ran you a bath and helped you out of your clothes.

Your shirt clung to your body from the sweat on your skin and, as soon as you got into the water, you felt slight relief flood over you.

"Will you be okay here on your own for a minute? I promise I'll be back as soon as I possibly can. I just have to do a few things."

"Okay." You spoke quietly and then gently placed your head against the wall.

"If you need anything or you feel sick, yell for me and I'll be by your side in a heartbeat." She promised and kissed your head before she left the room.

She changed the sheets before she threw them, and your clothes, into the washer. She quickly cleaned the floor and put a new fresh sheet onto the bed, and she grabbed a couple of extra ones for you to cover up with.

She got you a glass of water and some medicine to help bring your fever down, and a bucket for you in case you got sick again. She also grabbed you some clean clothes, making sure the shirt she got for you was one of hers because she knew it'd bring you some extra comfort.

She returned to your side a few minutes later and saw you relaxed in the cool water with your eyes closed.

"You asleep, darling?" She asked as she cupped some water in her hands and let it fall over your shoulders gently, watching the beads roll down your skin.

"No." You mumbled. "Just trying to relax."

She nodded, carefully pouring some more water onto your skin.

"That feels good."

"Good." She grinned and kissed your shoulder softly, continuing for a few minutes before she stopped so she could wash your hair and your body for you.

She brushed her fingers through your wet hair, watching as your eyelashes fluttered against your cheeks.

"How do you feel?"

"A little better. Just really sleepy."

"Okay, then. Let's get you to bed."

You groaned over the thought of having to move, looking at her with sad eyes.

"I'll help you, baby. I promise. Just take my hand, I've got you." She promised, her voice and her smile were both sweet and full of love.

She helped you out of the water and let you lean on her as she helped you dry off. She pulled her shirt over your head and helped you pull on the pajama bottoms she grabbed for you.

"C'mon, baby. Into bed we go."

She led you in there, letting you lean on her with every step you took. She tucked you in under the sheets and for the first time, you stared at her with soft eyes.

You still didn't look like you were feeling like yourself, but you obviously felt a lot better than before, which was relieving.

"Here, baby. Can you take these for me?" She asked, her voice soft and sweet, as she put them on your tongue when you parted your lips for her and helped swallow them down with a few sips of the cold water she got for you.

"Anything else you need? Did I forget anything? Do you want some soup?"

"Not right now. I'm okay, Tay."

She climbed into bed with you and made sure the sheets were draped up to your shoulders to keep you as warm and cozy as she could.

"I love you." She whispered and kissed your neck softly.

"I love you too. Thank you for taking care of me."

"It's what I'm here for, my baby. Now, close your eyes and try to sleep. If you need anything, I'm right here. I'll always be right here." She promised and watched your close your eyes before she started to sing you your favorite song as you drifted off to sleep, leaving her hoping you'd wake up feeling a little better.

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