periods (requested)

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Taylor frantically dug through her bag on the floor beside your bed, using the flashlight on her phone to try and see what she was looking for.

It's only six in the morning and you're still sound asleep in your bed. That's where Taylor spent the night last night. You had a movie night planned and she was too exhausted to drive home, so you let her stay.

She was more than happy. After all, she didn't expect anything to go wrong. Being by your side is always the opposite. You just make everything better.

But she didn't anticipate her period arriving a couple of days early. She bled through her pants, but thankfully not through your sheets.

Nevertheless, she felt a little embarrassed.

She tried to find a pad. She always carries at least one with her, because it's better to be safe than sorry.

But, of course, this was the only time she didn't have anything on her. She buried her head in her hands with a groan.

The sound caused your eyes to open. It didn't help that she wasn't beside you, either. Her absence and that groan from her lips made you worry a little.

"Taylor?" You mumbled and turned on the lamp, causing Taylor to jump and look over at you. "Hey. What are you doing, babe? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine, darling." She fibbed and you saw right through her, despite your sleepiness. "I just have to go home for a bit."

Your eyes widened and your heart sank at the thought of her leaving.


"Because," she paused, sighing as she lowered her head. "My period came and I have nothing. I also bled through my sweats."

"Oh. That's alright." You smiled and right away, you saw her relax a little. "Don't tell me you thought I'd be upset or something."

"No! Not at all." She quickly said. "I guess I just felt a little embarrassed, that's all."

"You act like you're the only one that's ever had a period got unexpectedly or bled through their clothes from it." You chuckled and pushed the blankets away to go and hug her.

"You're amazing, y/n. Have I told you that lately?"

"Yes. Quite often, actually." You giggled and gave her a sweet kiss on her lips. "You left a few here, you know?"

"I did?" She asked and let you take her by the hand and into the bathroom, where you pulled the drawer open and pulled out a few of her pads.

"You left some here for emergencies, remember?"

"Can't believe I forgot." She mumbled to herself. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Tay. Go ahead and change and then come back to bed. I'll be waiting for you."

You walked out of the room and let her change and clean up before she returned to bed with you.

"Later, we'll go to the store and get you some things you might want or need. You should stay here again with me tonight."

She chuckled and pecked your lips.

"I'd love that." She said before laying her head on your shoulder. "I love you, baby girl."

"Love you too, Tay." You said and watched her fall back asleep in your arms, where she felt warmest and happiest.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now