back together (requested)

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"Finally, some quality time with my girl," You said as Taylor set the remote down on the arm of the couch.

She ran her fingers through your hair before kissing the crown of your head lovingly and pulling you closer as the intro of the film began.

But a knock at the door disturbed your peace and contentedness.

You lifted your head from Taylor's shoulder and looked at your front door, where the knock had come from.

"Expecting someone, babe?" Taylor asked as her hand fell to the small of your back.

"No. I don't know who it could be." You frowned.

She watched you get up from the sofa to go and answer the door.

She heard a gasp fall from your lips when you first opened the door and she spoke up.

"Y/N? Are you okay, baby?" She asked as she started to get up, only for you to calm her worries a second later.

"Yeah, Tay." You said as you glanced at her. "Sit back down, it's all good."

She nodded and sat back down before she heard an unfamiliar voice.

For you though, the voice wasn't unfamiliar.

You knew who was at your door.

"What are you doing here?"

"I want to talk." She answered. "I miss you."

The woman in front of you was your ex-girlfriend.

You split up a couple of months before meeting Taylor, so that was about four months ago since you and Taylor celebrated two months together just yesterday.

"I've missed you a lot."

"Oh, you have, huh?" You spoke, unimpressed as you folded your arms over your chest.

"I know it's been a while but I keep thinking about you and us. Breaking up was the worst decision I've ever made. I miss you so much. Don't you miss me?"

Taylor's heart sank.

She heard every word being spoken and she hung her head, wondering if you might miss your ex just as much as your ex misses you.

"Y/N?" Taylor spoke quietly as she got up. "What's happening?"

"Excuse me, was I talking to you?" Your ex asked Taylor as Tay appeared by your side. "You're not part of this conversation, so go elsewhere! My girlfriend and I are talking."

"You mean ex-girlfriend." You scoffed. "I'm not your girlfriend anymore. We ended months ago and I've moved on."

"With who? Her?" Your ex chuckled as Taylor put her arm around you.

"Yes. This gorgeous girl right here is my girlfriend. I care about her a lot. My future with her is bright. She's the only one I want to be with."

"You can't be serious. You've moved on?" Your ex said. "I haven't. I know, deep down, even if you don't want to admit it, you still feel the same."

"She called you her ex. That's what you are. You should go." Taylor said.

"Shut up! Stay out of this!"

Your ex screamed so loud that Taylor got a little scared by it.

And that pushed you over the edge.

"Look, I tried to dismiss you politely but not you're just being mean to my girlfriend and that's not okay with me. Go!"

"But-" your ex attempted to protest, only for you to get even more upset.

"We are never getting back together. You and I are over. We have been for months. It's time for you to move on, too. So, leave! Let my girlfriend and I enjoy our evening. Go away!"

Your ex turned around and stormed off to her car before hurriedly driving away.

You closed the door and pulled Taylor into your arms.

"I'm so sorry about that. She doesn't move on easily, from what I've heard. So I guess her unexpected visit was expected sooner or later."

"I understand," Taylor said. "I just got a little frightened when she screamed. But thank you for protecting me and standing up for me."

"Always." You smiled as you kissed her softly. "You'd do the same for me."

"Absolutely." She said as she pulled you closer as her lips moved against yours. "Can we watch that movie now?"

"I'd love that." You said and curled up in her arms as she sat back down on the sofa, resuming the movie as she held you tightly.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now