you surprise her with a kitten on her birthday (requested)

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"Have you enjoyed your day, baby?" You asked Taylor as you entered your shared home together.

"It's been so great! I think this birthday is the best one I've ever had." Taylor said with the biggest smile on her face and it absolutely warmed your heart to see.

Today is her birthday and you've tried so hard to make it as special and as unforgettable as possible.

She's had a blast, enjoying every second of it with you and her family and friends.

"I don't think I'll ever forget this birthday."

"That's great, Taylor. I'm really happy to hear that. But it's not over yet."

"What do you mean?"

"I have a surprise for you." You grinned as your heart began to race with excitement.

"Baby, I told you that I didn't need anything. I just wanted to be with you today, that's all."

"I know you said that but I couldn't resist. Just close your eyes."

She let out a sigh but did as you asked.

With that, you went upstairs and grabbed Taylor's present for her before coming back down.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, I'm ready. What is it?"

"Open your eyes and see." You said as you sat down beside her.

Before Taylor pulled her hands away from her face completely, she heard a tiny little meow and she didn't recognize it as any of her cats' meows.

She looked at what was  in your arms and a gasp escaped her lips as she saw a tiny kitten on your lap.

"Oh my gosh!"

"Happy birthday, baby." You smiled as she took the kitten out of your arms. "This is our newest family member. It's a boy, by the way."

"Does he have a name?"

"Not yet." You said. "That's up to you, birthday girl."

"Oh, you are just so precious, aren't you? Look how small you are. Yes, you are." Taylor cooed as she kissed the kitten softly.

"I got him from the shelter. He's only a few weeks old, so he's got a long life with us ahead."

"Oh, this is the best birthday present ever! Thank you, darling!"

You leaned over and carefully hugged her tight before pulling away and watching her coo over the precious animal.

"I don't know what to name you but that's okay, we'll figure that out later. For right now, let's just talk about how cute and small you are! Aren't you just the most adorable kitten ever? Yes, you are."

You smiled as you watched the sweet sight.

"He needed a good home. I knew the second I saw him that he was meant to be ours and that we'd give him the best home he could ever have."

"Yes, we will, baby. We promise you that." Taylor smiled as she brushed her fingers through his soft fur.

He clung to her, his nails gently sinking into her shirt as she cradled him close but gently.

"I love you so much already."

You watched the kitten crawl up her shirt to rest on her shoulder, where he meowed into her ear and then licked her cheek.

Taylor threw her head back with a laugh, feeling her heart swell.

"You're just the cutest! Y/N, isn't he just so cute?"

"He is. You make a cute little duo."

"We do, don't we?" She asked the kitten, receiving a meow in response. "Yes, we are."

You pulled out your phone, secretly snapping a few pictures of the two of them.

"You're so amazing. Thank you for the best birthday present ever." She told you before leaning over to kiss your cheek.

"You're welcome, my love. Happy birthday."

"The best birthday ever." She said as she looked at the kitten on her shoulder, so happy with the newest member of your family.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now