didn't mean to (requested)

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With your back facing her as you searched through the fridge and cupboards in search of something to snack on during the movie with Taylor, she quietly tiptoed into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around you to hug you from behind.

"Boo!" She spoke in your ear, her sudden presence and her breath tickling the shell of your ear both making you jump in her embrace.

"Tay! You startled me!" You laughed and went to turn around to face her, planning to loop your arms around her neck and pull her in for a couple of sweet kisses.

But Taylor wasn't the only one that had come into the kitchen. Benjamin had followed and neither of you had noticed him.

So, when you went to turn around, moving your right foot, which he was sitting next to, you accidentally stepped on his paw, making him meow in surprise.

"Oh, no! Benjamin! I'm so sorry, buddy!" You yelled as you rushed across the room where he'd run off to, quickly scooping him up in your arms to hug him and give him kisses.

"Is he hurt? Did you hurt his paw?" Taylor asked as she rushed to your side, her hand instantly falling to the sweet cat's back. "Buddy, are you alright? Huh?" She asked him, her voice soft and sweet with every word she spoke.

At least, towards him.

With you, however, she wasn't so sweet. She was unhappy and, understandably, worried about Benjamin.

"You have to be careful, y/n! You should know to look where you're stepping by now, with the cats always around. You could've seriously hurt him!"

"I'm sorry, Tay. I didn't mean to." You spoke and Taylor detected the hint of hurt in your voice.

You felt guilty for stepping on his paw. You hadn't meant to, nor would you ever hurt him, or any of the other cats, on purpose. You love them too much.

"I feel terrible. Is he okay?" You asked and stared at Benjamin, nearly in tears from how guilty and worried you felt.

Taylor moved the paw you stepped on, making sure it was okay.

When he didn't make any noise and just purred from your touch as you ran your fingers through his soft fur, she sighed in relief before realizing how carried away she'd gotten due to how upset she was, suddenly regretting every word she spoke.

"Yeah, he's alright. Aren't you, little fluffy boy?" She smiled before kissing Benjamin's head.

"I didn't mean to. You know I'd never hurt him. I wouldn't ever purposely hurt any of the cats. I adore them." You told Taylor, staring into her eyes with a look of guilt, only to find hers looking the same.

"I know. It's okay. I'm sorry I got upset with you. I was just worried." She said. 'But I've done the same thing before, sadly. They tend to run in front of me when I get up sometimes. It happens. I shouldn't have gotten so upset with you. I'm very sorry."

"It's okay." You said and leaned your head on her shoulder. "He's okay though. That's all that matters."

She stared at you, smiling from ear to ear as you continued to apologize to Benjamin and gave him all the kisses you could as he purred and let you pet him as though nothing had even happened.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now