morning sickness mishaps (requested)

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"This is so exciting, isn't it?" Taylor asked with a grin. "We've finally got some time to drive and see my parents and reveal the pregnancy to them. I can't wait!"

You weren't feeling quite as ecstatic as Taylor was.

Not because you're not excited to see  her parents and share the exciting news with them tonight, because that's not the case at all.

But rather the symptoms of pregnancy are getting the best of you and are making you feel pretty rundown.

From the tiredness you feel to the hot flashes, and then, of course, the always fun morning sickness - you feel quite unwell, to say the least.

"Me neither." You said though you weren't quite beaming with happiness like Taylor was.

"My parents are going to be so surprised, and Austin will be there too! It's going to be great."

You nodded in agreement before squeezing your eyes shut.

You could feel the nausea returning and since you weren't in the comfort of your home, you tried to breathe through it and hoped that it would pass.

"Baby? You're awfully quiet. Are you feeling alright?" Taylor asked as she looked over at you.

"No, not really." You said as you swallowed thickly. "I feel sick again."

Taylor's eyes filled with worry as she kept looking between the road and you.

"Is it passing?"

"No. I think I'm going to throw up again." You groaned as your stomach started to turn.

Taylor knows that morning sickness is a normal part of pregnancy so she's tried really hard not to worry too much when you get sick in the morning and throughout the day.

But this is the first time she's felt extremely concerned.

You'd already been sick this morning before you left and you both hoped that would be it for the day, at least until you'd arrive at her parents' place.

But it seems that your stomach is too sensitive and weak to stay settled for very long.

"Tay, I'm gonna be sick. Please pull over." You pleaded as you continued to take deep breaths.

Your mouth was watering and your stomach felt terrible as you got closer and closer to no longer being able to hold back what was about to happen.

And much to your relief, as well as Taylor's, she managed to pull over in time.

Putting on her hazard lights, she pulled over onto the shoulder before you opened the door and undid your seatbelt.

You got out of the car and knelt on the ground before vomiting and Taylor got out of the car to come and comfort you through it, as she always does.

"It's okay, darling. I'm here, I've got you." She soothed as she gently pulled your hair back.

She used her other hand to rub your shoulder as you emptied your stomach.

"I know it's awful, honey." She spoke as you groaned miserably. "But you're going to be okay. I'm here with you. Just let it all out, I'm right here."

You continued to throw up, letting everything that your stomach demanded to be let out, come out.

It was a long and tiring few minutes before you were finally finished.

"Here, baby." She softly spoke as she gently helped you sit back in your seat once more.

She continued to rub your shoulder as you ran your fingers through your hair and let out a shaky breath.

"Do you feel any better?"


"Do you want to lay down and try to rest?"

You nodded.

"Okay. Put your seat back." She said before kissing your forehead.

She went to the trunk and grabbed a pillow and blanket for you, so you could curl up and be as comfortable as possible.

"Here, darling." She said as she covered you up with the blanket and put the pillow behind your head. "There we go. Better?"

"Yeah. I'm cozy now. Thank you, Tay,"

"You're welcome, baby."

She kissed your forehead once more before closing the door and getting back into the driver's seat.

She took one more look at you, relieved to see you feeling a little better and resting up now before she began to drive again.

She just hoped you'd be alright until you made it to her parent's place in a few hours.

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