when a fan tackles you on stage (requested)

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Looking at the crowd of fans in awe, you listened closely as they cheered your name and sang along to the lyrics of each song that you put on your setlist for your tour.

You've only been touring for a few days but they've already been some of the best of your life.

Nothing in this world compares to the rush of happiness that you feel when you're on stage.

It's always so magical to see the fans in the crowd that has always been there to show you love and support through some of the hardest and darkest days of your life and to hear them sing the lyrics of the songs that you wrote always means so much to you and always be sure to remind them of that.

You just finished performing one of the newest songs from your newest album and the fans in the crowd were so loud as they cheered you on.

But the one that seemed the loudest was your girlfriend, who sat in the front row with her phone in her hand as she took a few videos of you.

She's not the type to stay on it during a show, whether it be one of yours or anyone else's. That's just not the kind of person Taylor is, especially when it comes to supporting you.

However, she's your biggest fan and supporter and she will not deny that she enjoys bragging a little about how talented you are and how she's always the inspiration for all the love songs you write about her, and she's always there in the front row to see you shine; just as you do for her.

She's always amazed over how bright you shine and she can't take her eyes off of you.

The proud smile on her face and the sparkle in those beautiful blue eyes of hers just won't fade.

"Thank you all for coming out to see me tonight. It means a lot to me."

They all cheered in response.

"I'm having so much fun performing for you all! I've been waiting so long to perform these new songs from my most recent album for you all because it's my favorite album I've made so far. I got to do so many different things and I wrote so many songs about it... mostly about my girlfriend."

The fans cheered loudly while Taylor just grinned and blew you a sweet kiss.

"There are still a few songs left tonight but I just wanted to take a moment and thank you all so much for always supporting me. I'm very grateful."

After they cheered for a few more seconds and you became a little flustered by the love you were being lavished in, you shook your head with a smile.

"Okay, I'm going to continue performing now! This next song is one very close to my heart. It's one of the many I wrote for Taylor so I hope you enjoy it."

Your eyes were on Taylor as you said that and both your words and the wink you sent her after made her heart soar in her chest.

You started to strum the strings of your guitar, only to feel a rush of panic and fear like you've never felt before when someone jumped onto the stage.

People in the crowd were shocked, screaming in concern as the man who jumped up onto the stage ran to you and tackled you to the ground.

"Hey!" A guard yelled, jumping on stage. "Get off of her! Don't you dare hurt her!"

"I love you, y/n!" He screamed and resisted as much as he could as security quickly jumped into action to get him off stage. "I've been wanting to meet you for so long. You're my whole world, I love you!"

You felt extremely uncomfortable and creeped out by the guy.

You watched through the blur of your tears as security pulled him off stage and escorted him out of the stadium.

People were talking amongst themselves and from the force of the fall, your guitar had broken.

You looked away from the broken guitar and into the crowd, where your eyes locked with Taylor's.

Seeing your lower lip tremble and noticing just how shaken up you seemed to be, she instantly told the other guards around to keep the both of you safe as she got up on the stage and walked to your side.

"Baby? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asked as she looked you over.

He had tackled you to the ground pretty hard and Taylor knew you'd probably have some cuts and bruises.

But the panic you felt seemed more intense than any bruises.

"I'm not hurt, Tay. But I'm scared."

She pulled you into her embrace and held you close.

"I'm here, baby girl. I'm right here."

You sniffled and put your arms around her, holding her as tightly as you could.

"I can't breathe."

"Do you want to go backstage for a few? Drink some water and catch your breath? Your fans will understand if you need a few minutes, I know they will."

You didn't want to interrupt the show but right now, with how shaken up you felt, you didn't feel as though you had much of a choice but to do what Taylor offered because you needed a few minutes to calm down after everything.


"Yeah? Okay, my love. Give me your mic."

You handed it to her and she put it to her lips, looking at the crowd but also at you every few seconds.

"Hi, everyone. I know everything that happened was scary for you all and understandably so. Y/N doesn't seem to be injured, so I hope that brings you all a little peace of mind. However, she's very shaken up and needs a few minutes to calm down. So we're going to take a few-minute break and stop the show. She'll be back out soon so don't go anywhere. Just let her breathe for a few. Okay?"

The fans cheered loudly, letting you and Taylor know that they completely understood.

"See, my love? They understand. Come on, let's go. I've got you." She helped you stand before handing your mic over to one of the crew members.

Putting her arm around you, she led you backstage to your dressing room, where she held you tight as a few tears fell down your cheeks and she promised you repeatedly that everything was okay.

"Why would anyone do that to me?"

"Because some people just aren't right, my love. It could've been so much worse. You could've been seriously hurt, which thankfully didn't happen. But I know you're startled and that's completely understandable. Just remember that he's out of the stadium, he's not coming back in, and all of your fans, as well as you and I, are completely okay."

You exhaled shakily and kept your head on Taylor's shoulder as she rubbed your back comfortingly.

"Some people cross lines that they shouldn't. It should never happen but it's over now. I've got you. Just relax, you're okay."

You closed your eyes as she dried your tears and held you, promising that she wouldn't let you go until you were ready to go back on stage, whenever that was.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now