it's you and me against the world (requested)

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You dropped your fork on your plate as your phone vibrated in the pocket of your sweats that you had on.

You couldn't help the grin that tugged at your lips upon finding out that it was a text from Taylor.

"How's your day going, my love? I was thinking we could get breakfast in the morning. Does that sound fun?"

You quickly texted her back. You tried to dodge the first question because your day hasn't been all that great and you didn't want to tell her because you weren't ready to fully open up about it to her yet.

But you happily answered that you'd love to get breakfast together and you were looking forward to it.

Your father cleared his throat and you quickly looked up at him, finding that he was staring at you with curious eyes. You slid your phone back into your pocket without another word.

You're an adult but honestly, most times you don't feel like one.

Due to different circumstances, you're still living at home with your parents.

You recently lost your job and you felt bummed about it because you didn't have enough money saved up to get out on your own just yet because you have your own bills to pay.

Taylor has been taking care of you and has let you stay with her a few nights here and there. She's about ready to ask you to move in with her, although she hasn't told you that just yet.

And since you're an adult, you know shouldn't worry over your dad or your mom ever finding out about your relationship with Taylor.

But they often push their religious beliefs on you. They don't care about anything else but that and if they ever found out about you ever not living exactly how they think you should, they'd probably disown you.

As harsh as they can be and as much as you hate having to pretend to be someone you're not and hide your relationship from them, you do it because you're scared of losing them because you love them.

"Y/N," your father smiled. "You know, we ran into one of our old neighbors recently!"

He started going on and on about your pre-teen years where you lived in a different place than you do now.

He brought up one of the boys you used to be close with that just so happened to be that neighbor's son and your father began to talk about how wonderful this guy was and how he'd be perfect for you.

"Oh, thanks, dad. But no thanks."

Your parents both dropped their forks and you could feel their eyes on you before you even looked at them.

"He'd be so perfect for you, y/n."

"He wouldn't." You said, forcing a smile. "I'm not interested."

"I think you should give him a chance. He's the kind  of person you need in your life."

"I already have the perfect one for me. But thanks though."

In that moment, you were fed up with him constantly talking about how perfect this guy you barely even remember would be perfect for you now that you didn't even realize those words were falling from your lips.

"Oh?" Your mother said as a smile tugged at her lips. "I want to meet him."

"Yeah, he's got to be a good guy. You deserve the best. As long as he lives the way we live, we'll approve."

Annoyed even more so of them assuming things now, you let it all slip from your lips.

"I don't have a boyfriend, okay? I have a girlfriend!"

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now