she's sick but doesn't tell you (requested)

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Taylor sniffled as she left the bathroom and slowly walked back to bed. She clutched her aching stomach and a small whimper escaped her lips as she laid down.

She had the thermometer in her hands and put it under her tongue as she closed her tired eyes.

She felt Benjamin curl up to her and she tried to run her fingers through his soft fur to distract herself as she waited for the thermometer to beep.

It's only a little after ten am. She's been awake for the last little while but she hadn't moved a muscle for a while because she felt terribly sick.

But when her stomach began to turn, she knew she had no choice but to get out of bed, and she ended up rushing into the bathroom as quickly as she could before she threw up.

Now she lays in bed, feeling so sick she can barely move.

Even reaching for the thermometer as it beeped made her muscles ache.

She groaned when she saw that her temperature was a touch over one hundred. It wasn't anything high, at least not yet.

But she was beginning to feel hot and sticky from the fever.

She kicked off the blanket that was over her feet and took off her pajama bottoms, hoping she'd cool down.

She closed her eyes in hopes that she could drift off to sleep but the sound of her phone ringing made her eyes open once again.

She whined as she reached for it beside her and put it on speaker as she answered it because she was too shaky to keep it against her ear.


"Tay? Hey, babe. How are you today?"

At the sound of your voice, she cleared her throat and tried to perk up and pretend as if she wasn't feeling so terrible, so she wouldn't worry you.

"Hi, my love! I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Baby, are you sure you're feeling good? You don't sound like it."

"Yeah, I'm alright. I just woke up, that's all."

You must've believed it because you dropped the topic and moved on to a different one.

"So, are we still on for our date tonight at your place?"

Her eyes went wide upon remembering that you had a date night planned at her place tonight. She brushed her hand across her face and bit her lip to hold back a groan as she began to feel sick again.

"Yeah, of course we are. I'm so excited to see you!"

"I'm excited too, Tay. I'll see you in a few hours then?"

"Of course, baby. I love you. See you soon."

You repeated the words back to her before she hung up the phone and jumped out of bed, rushing back into the bathroom to throw up once more.

She knew she should've told you no. She should've been honest with you and told you that she was sick.

But with so much going on lately, your time together has been scarce and she knows how excited you are for tonight.

She is too, she's just struggling to show and express it with how terrible she feels.

She tried to convince herself that she'd feel better by then. She'd take a nap and she'd wake up with no fever, no achy stomach, and no need to throw up. She tried to tell herself that she'd be fine.

She flushed the toilet, washed her hands, and then returned to bed. Curling up with Benjamin, she closed her eyes and finally felt okay enough to get some sleep.

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