she gets sick on tour and you take care of her (requested)

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"I'm so sorry, guys," Taylor said as she brought her elbow up to her mouth and coughed into it. "I'm a little under the weather tonight. I've got a bad cold, so you might hear me cough a bit."

You stood backstage, watching her closely with a frown on your face.

You can tell that she's exhausted and is struggling tonight to keep going.

She's come down with a bad cold, making it a little difficult to perform the way she usually does.

Her energy isn't fully there and it's easy to see that she's feeling worn down and a little lousy.

But for her fans, she's giving it everything she's got tonight - as she always does.

Usually, you'd stay in the audience and cheer her on from there.

But  you decided to stay backstage tonight so that when she comes off stage when show ends, you don't waste any time in being able to care for her.

You sent her bright smiles when she'd look at you from the stage and you still showed her support by taking a few photos on your phone and cheering her on.

But as much as you love seeing her shine, you couldn't wait for the show to end so she could rest a bit.

Despite being under the weather, she still gave her fans the best show imaginable.

She gave it her all and despite her voice cracking a few times, her vocals were outstanding and her energy was still there as performing for the ones that love her immensely always brings her so much happiness.

The show flew by and before you knew it, it was over.

"Thank you so much for coming! I hope to see you all again very soon. I love you!" She said before she went below the stage and made her way backstage to you.

She came over to you immediately and throw her arms around you, giving you the biggest hug that she could.

But it wasn't like the usual hugs that you share after she finishes a show.

It was one of her needing comfort.

She had no energy left in her and she looked so fatigued, which showed you just how awful she felt as she's usually on a high when a show finishes.

But tonight, she just looked miserable.

"Are you okay, baby?" You asked as you put your hand against her forehead. "You're warm."

"I feel awful." She said as she closed her heavy eyes.

"Come on, baby. Get changed and we'll go onto the tour bus and you can relax."

She nodded and went to her dressing room with you, where she changed out of her stage outfit and into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt.

She was shivering and her eyes looked so heavy when she was finished and you couldn't help but just bring her into your arms and hold her close as it shattered your heart to see her feeling so miserable.

She laid her head on yours and let her tired eyes slip shut as she tried to relax a little.

"I haven't felt this terrible in so long." She said. "I'm so tired, my body hurts, and I can't seem to get rid of this annoying cough. It's starting to hurt." She said.

"Well, that's because you're sick, my love." You said as you brushed your fingers through her hair gently. "I know you feel awful but you did an excellent job out there tonight. Your fans are so happy."

She opened her eyes and stared at you with a smile on her face.

"That makes me so happy." She siad. "I'm happy I pushed on. I love them."

"I know you do, Tay. But now, you need and deserve to rest. So let's go to the tour bus and you can lie down."

"And you'll cuddle me?"

"Of course, baby."

She smiled a little and got up from the chair before heading out of the stadium and to the tour bus with you, hand in hand.

When you were on the bus, she laid down and closed her heavy eyes as you slipped under the covers with her and tucked her in.

Her eyes opened again as she coughed into her elbow before a cute little sneeze escaped her.

"Bless you, darling."

"Thank you, baby." She sniffled before lying down.

You could hear it in her voice - she was stuffy now, making her feel even worse.

She shivered as the chills hit her and you cuddled close to her to try and warm her up.

She held you tightly and eventually warmed up a little, enough to stop trembling.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

"No. I've got you, that's all I need." She said as she stared  at you, watching you relax with your head on her chest through her heavy eyes. "I don't feel great but I'll be alright."

"You've got a few days before your next show so you can rest and feel better before then."

She nodded as you played with her hair, making her hum a little.

"I hope you feel better soon, Tay,"

"I will, baby. Don't worry too much. It's just a cold."

"I can't help it. I love you and I hate seeing you so miserable." You said as you felt her forehead again.

Thankfully, she didn't feel any warmer than she did before.

"I'll be okay. I've got my girl with me and some medicine. Before you know it, I'll be better again."

"Good." You smiled and kissed her cheek softly. "Get some rest, baby."

You caressed her cheek and she coughed a couple more times before closing her eyes.

Slowly, she drifted off to sleep with you in her arms, helping her to feel warm and content as she rested off her sickness.

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