she's sick and clingy (requested)

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"Where are you going?" Taylor asked as she opened her eyes upon feeling you starting to get out of bed.

You'd only moved out of her arms and swung your legs over the mattress, but that was enough to wake her.

"I was only going to go downstairs and make you some soup."

"No," She whined as she reached out for you.

She gently wrapped her fingers around your wrist and held it in her grip to keep you from leaving her side.

"Baby, you need to eat a little. I'm worried about you."

"But I don't want you to leave me." She said with a sad pout on her lip.

You playfully rolled your eyes at her before pulling your wrist out of her grip and walking over to her side of the bed, where you laid a soft kiss on her forehead and watched her eyes slip shut once more.

"I won't be long, my love. I promise I'll hurry back as fast as I can. You'll be alright without me for a few minutes. Just try and get some more rest." You said before leaving the room.

Heading downstairs to the kitchen, you grabbed a can of soup and poured it into a pot before turning the stove on.

You hummed to yourself as you tried to pass the time, the song that was on your brain being a new favorite that Taylor played for you recently before she came down with the flu.

It had only been three minutes, maybe four, before Taylor was coming up behind you and putting her arms around you to hold you.

"Tay, what are you doing down here? You should be upstairs resting." You said as you turned to face her.

You saw that she was wrapped up in a fluffy blanket and she was shivering because she still had a fever and it was giving her the chills.

"My poor baby." You said as you put your hand on your forehead. "Go back up to bed."

"Not without you." She said as she pulled you back into her arms. "You're so warm."

"Taylor," You chuckled. "I have to stir your soup, baby."

You pulled away and Taylor whined before putting her arms around you to hug you from behind once more.

"I know I must be annoying you." She said as she laid her cheek on your shoulder. "But I can't help the need that I feel to be with you now that I'm sick. I don't want to spend a single second away from your side."

You're used to this.

Taylor gets clingy whenever she's sick.

She doesn't get sick very often as she's a very healthy and careful person who always takes good care of herself.

But sometimes, such as now, the sicknesses still manage to creep in and make her feel miserable.

And as much as you hate seeing her sick, you have to admit that you like it when she's sick as it's your chance to take care of her and she always clings to you.

She likes to be by your side every second of every day when she's unwell.

"Is that okay? I'm not annoying you, right?" She asked, almost tearing up at the thought of being annoying to you.

"No, Tay," You said as you turned to caress her warm cheek. "You don't annoy me. I like when you cling to me like this."

"Okay." She said as she continued to hold you in her arms.

You finished her soup just a moment later and put it into a bowl before placing it on a tray.

"Come on, darling. Back up to bed you go."

She nodded and let you go, just for a moment as she made her way upstairs.

When you reached the bedroom and set the tray down on the nightstand, she was pulling you back into bed and into her arms.

"Tay, your soup is going to get cold."

"It'll be alright." She said as she held you tight. "I'm not super hungry right now anyway. I just want to hold you."

You stared into her tired eyes and seeing just how miserable she looked by the gaze in them broke your heart.

"I hope you feel better soon."

"Me too." She said as she swallowed thickly as if she was feeling a little nauseous again. "Being sick sucks."

"I know it does, my love. But I'm here for you. I promise."

"I know." She said with a small smile as her eyes slipped shut. "I love you, my girl. Thank you for always taking such great care of me and for letting me cling to you."

"Anytime, baby," You smiled and kissed her cheek before she buried her face in your neck, clinging to you tightly as she drifted off to sleep.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now