change of plans (requested)

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"Everyone is going to begin arriving soon. Are you excited?" Taylor asked Carter, who sat and watched Taylor finish preparing everything for the secret sessions.

It's the first time he'll be attending one. Before, you always made sure that you were both out of the house so the fans could have the time of their lives with Taylor without being bothered.

But you had work today and weren't quite sure what to do about your eight-year-old son.

At first, you thought about asking Andrea if she'd watch him for a few hours.

But he was completely against that.

Despite loving Taylor's parents very much, your son wanted to be with Taylor and go to the secret sessions.

You were hesitant to agree at first, but after begging and begging the both of you for weeks, you agreed and Taylor was happy to let him join in, as he promised to be on his very best behavior.

"Yeah." He replied. "Will there be a lot of people?"

"Well, a good amount of fans are coming." She explained before kneeling on the floor in front of him. "But don't worry, buddy. I love you and nothing bad will happen."

He nodded and right after, she heard voices coming from outside.

"They're here." She said excitedly.

She walked to the door and opened it a few seconds later.

The fans outside screamed in excitement. This all felt so surreal to them and understandably so.

"Hello!" She greeted with a big smile on her face. "Come on in!"

They all excitedly walked inside and Taylor closed the door before kindly offering them all some cookies and drinks.

"I'm so happy that you could all make it today! I've been working so hard on this new album and I've been waiting so long to share it with you all!"

Suddenly, heads turned as Carter returned to the room.

Before, he'd left to go grab one of his toys to busy himself with as everyone arrived.

But he wanted to be where Taylor was and quickly returned to her side.

Since Taylor's life is so public, everyone knows of Carter. But since she keeps her relationship with you so private, to protect it as well as you and Carter, catching glimpses of the young boy was rare, especially in person.

"Carter!" A few fans excitedly said and he quickly rushed to Taylor's side, throwing his arms around her legs.

"It's okay." She whispered to him and reassured him with a smile. "He's shy and not used to so many people, so let's give him some space. Please, do not get too close to him."

The fans understood and so, Taylor proceeded with the sessions.

She went to start playing the first song, putting the album on shuffle as she did so.

But before she could tap play, there was a tug at her sweater.

"Excuse me for one second." She said to the fans before focusing on Carter, who was wide-eyed and... teary-eyed.

"Carter? Hey, what's wrong?" She asked him as she bent down, reaching his height.

"So many people." He mumbled as he looked around.

"I know." She said. "But remember what I said? No one will hurt you."

He shook his head and Taylor began to feel anxious over how nervous he seemed to be becoming.

"Oh, it's okay, buddy." She said as she lifted him into her arms and walked out of the room, away from the fans to comfort him.

He sniffled, clutching her shirt in his small hands.

"We're only a few minutes in. It's still going to be a few hours before it's over." She said. "How about we go up to bed? It's getting late."

She looked at the clock on the wall, seeing that it was after seven-thirty, nearing eight.

"Are you feeling nervous? Too many people? Too many that you don't know?"

He nodded and she wiped his cheeks.

"Okay. It's okay. Let's just go to bed."

She carried him upstairs and rubbed his back as she laid him in his bed.

"No one is going to come anywhere near you. I know it's a lot to take in, but you know I wouldn't let anyone hurt you. Not ever."

"I know." He said as she brushed her fingertips along his arms.

"I think you're just overwhelmed, huh? Too much to handle?"

He nodded again.

"It happens to the best of us and I completely understand. I'm going to call your mom and see if she can come home. Until then, try and close your eyes. I will be right downstairs if you need anything at all."

He nodded, a tear falling down his cheeks.

"There's no need to cry. I'm not mad at you. You just get some sleep. You'll feel better."

"Love you, mom." He said as she kissed his forehead.

"I love you too, buddy." She grinned and tucked him in before going back downstairs.

"I'm so sorry, guys. My son was overwhelmed with everything so I have to call y/n. I'll be back in a few minutes.

The fans understood completely and let Taylor have some space to call and explain everything to you.

"Taylor?" You answered when your phone began to ring. "Hey. Why are you calling me when you're supposed to be spending time with your fans?" You asked teasingly.

"Hey, babe. We have a little problem."

"Problem? What kind of problem? Are you okay? Is Carter okay?"

"I have everything under control but I think you should come home. He was super nervous as everyone started to arrive. It just started and I had to take him to bed, he was too overwhelmed."

"Oh, gosh. Okay, I understand completely. I'm on my way home."

"Okay. See you soon, my love." She said before hanging up.

She went back upstairs to check on him real fast, only to find him sound asleep already.

She smiled to herself and closed the door before going back downstairs to continue with the sessions, relieved that Carter was okay.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now