I was just pranking you (requested)

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"There you are, Tay." You said as you walked into the bedroom, finding your girlfriend sitting on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands.

Upon hearing your voice, she lifted her head to look at you, but she remained silent.

"I was wondering where you were at. I'm used to you greeting me with hugs and kisses when I get home. I was worried about you."

She just lowered her head without a word, causing you to frown.

You walked over to her and sat down, your hand instantly falling onto her soft thigh for comfort.

"Are you okay? You're quiet. You seem really down." You said and she just shrugged her shoulders wordlessly. "Taylor, tell me what's wrong."

She breathed out a heavy sigh before looking at you.

"I don't know how to say it."

"You can tell me anything, Taylor. Anything at all. You know that already."

She just nodded as a nervous chuckle fell from your lips.

"I don't think this is working anymore." She spoke quietly and watched as you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "I think we should break up, y/n."

You went quiet for a moment and Taylor thought you were just letting the words sink in.

However, you know she can't be serious.

You've never been happier than you are right now; as individuals and as a couple.

Your relationship is strong and healthy and just a couple of nights ago, she was talking to you about wanting to get married and start a family within the next couple of years.

She only wants that with you, she said.

Now, you know your girl.

She doesn't say something as big and as serious as that if her words hold no weight.

If she was thinking, even for a single second, that this might not work out for any reason whatsoever, she wouldn't have spoken to you about something so huge.

She has to be pranking you, which wouldn't surprise you with how silly she can be sometimes.

And if she wants to prank you, you're going to join in on the fun and get your revenge now.


"Oh? That's all you have to say?" She asked, her words quiet as she gazed at you in disbelief.

Suddenly, you started to chuckle in relief before you brought your hands up to brush over your face.

"Wow, Tay. I am so relieved that you said that. I was thinking the same thing. I've been trying to figure out how to say it though. I thought it was going to be a few more days before I'd end things but you made it so much easier."

She looked completely crushed as you gazed into her eyes.

"Thank you, Taylor. I agree, I don't think this is working anymore." You said and squeezed her knee reassuringly. "Wow, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. You made this so much easier."

"Wait, what!?" She raised her voice at you, making you frown.

"Taylor, calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down!" She said as she stood up, her fingers tangled in her hair. "I can't believe this! You actually want to break up?"

You stood up and kissed her cheek before going to the closet.

"Where are you going? What are you doing?"

"I was going to pack my bags. I can be out of here by tonight."

"No. Absolutely not!" She said as she rushed to your side, throwing her arms around you to hug you from behind. "I don't want you to go, I won't let you!"

"But you said it yourself, Taylor. This isn't working anymore." You said as you turned to face her, biting at your lip to hold back your grin.

"I was just pranking you! I didn't mean it. I never would."

You couldn't hold back your grin anymore and you released your lip from your teeth.

As soon as Taylor saw that smile, she knew you knew what she'd been up to before she even cracked.

"You knew I was pranking you? You went along with it? Oh, that's evil!"

You laughed as you threw your arms around her neck.

"Well, at least I got my revenge now instead of having to do it later."

She pouted as you pecked her lips.

"I love you." You said as you put your forehead onto hers. "You know I'm not going anywhere. I want you and only you."

"I love you too." She said before she hugged you. "You scared me."

"You scared me first!"

She laughed and rubbed your back, her lips brushing against your head.

"I knew you weren't serious though. Because I know how serious you are about our future together. I know you wouldn't actually want to break up."

"You're right. I love you too much." She said as she pulled back from the hug, her nose brushing against yours. "No more pranks for a while."

"Sounds like a wonderful idea, babe." You giggled and held her tight, never wanting to let her go.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now