she comforts you after you have a nightmare (requested)

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The loud gasp that fell from your lips as you awoke from the terrible dream you had caused Taylor's eyes to quickly open.

With shaking hands and sweaty palms, you reached over to your nightstand and turned on your lamp.

You were desperate for some light to appear in the bedroom after what you'd just dreamt about.

"Y/N? Baby, what's the matter?" Taylor mumbled before a yawn slipped from her lips.

She sat up and laid her hand on your back but immediately pulled it away as soon as you jumped in surprise.

"I'm sorry." She spoke quietly said. "Are you okay?"

You shook your head before you moved into her arms and threw your arms around her.

"I had a bad dream." You said.

"Oh, baby, it's okay." She said as she held you tightly.

"No, it isn't okay," You sniffled as you pulled away from the hug.

But you refused to pull away from her completely, needing to feel her warm skin against your fingertips because of the things you had dreamt about.

You needed to know that she was safe and that she was there.

"It was awful,"

"What was it about? Do you want to tell me about it? I'll listen." She said as she stared into your eyes while slipping her fingers under your shirt and brushing them across your soft skin in comfort.

"We were being chased." You said, taking in a shaky breath. "Someone wanted to hurt us. We ran and ran... only for them to grab you. They hurt you."

"Oh, darling," She said, a sad sigh falling from her lips after.

"I tried to help you but I couldn't get to you in time," You paused as the fear and your tears got the best of you, causing you to tremble and cling to her tightly. "I was so scared!"

"Shh," She soothed, kissing your head. "My love, it was just an awful dream. I know you must've been so afraid, I would be too if I dreamt about something like that with you, but it was just a very terrible nightmare."

You looked into her eyes, trying to soothe yourself by focusing on her touch and her soft voice.

"Keep looking at me." She whispered. "Look, my love. I'm okay." She said as she moved her hand to your cheek, gently laying it on your skin. "I'm not hurt whatsoever. I'm just fine and so are you."

You nodded as you closed your eyes and leaned into her touch.

"What you saw in that bad dream wasn't real and it never will be. I promise you that." She said as she brushed her fingers across your cheek. "Everything's alright."

"Thank you." You said as you opened your eyes, finally able to take a deep breath. "Thank you for always knowing what to say and for always making me feel better."

"It's what I'm here for, my sweet girl." She said with a bright smile, kissing your forehead lovingly. "Do you feel okay now?"

"Sorta." You sighed. "But it's five am and I don't know if I can get back to sleep."

"That's alright, baby girl. We'll find something else to do." She said as her eyes sparkled.

"Tay, you don't have to stay awake with me. I know how tired you must be after being so busy lately."

"Not really." She said, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm not tired. I just want to be with you."

She slowly laid back against the bed, pulling you right into her arms as your head fell onto her chest.

"How about a movie? Or I can sing to you? Tell you stories or tell you about some of the songs I've written lately. Spoiler alert, they're about you." She whispered the last part in your ear and pulled away just in time to see you smile a little.

"I like all of those ideas." You said. "I don't mind what we do, Tay. Just as long as you're holding me, I'll be okay."

"Okay, darling. Then we'll do all of those things." She promised before kissing your lips softly. "I love you and I hope you feel better.":

"I do, baby. Much better and I love you too."

She kissed you again before you put your head on her shoulder and gazed at her adoringly as she began telling you all about the songs she's written lately, all about you.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now