a fan grabs you when you're performing (requested)

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Taylor watched you perform from the front row with stars in her eyes.

This night is so important to you and so special as it's the first night of your world tour.

It's so exciting to be back on stage again as you sing your heart out, proudly performing the songs you wrote from your most recent album, as well as some of the other favorites you've written and performed in the past.

This tour is even more special since it's completely sold out, meaning that you get to see so many of your fans every night for the next couple of months.

But your biggest fan plans to be in the front row every show and she's only taken her eyes off of you once or twice so far, simply to pull her phone out of her pocket to take some photos and videos of you before putting it back in her pocket to give you all of her attention once more.


She's clearly the inspiration for most of the songs from your newest album.

Of course, those were the love songs that you wrote about her and dedicate to her.

She also wrote a couple of songs with you, which you're proud to finally be able to perform for your fans who've been so excited to hear them live.

As the song finished, Taylor and the rest of the fans in the crowd loudly cheered and you couldn't help but grin.

"Thank you!" You giggled happily. "I can't believe that I'm finally getting to perform for you all again! Are you enjoying the show so far?"

The crowd was loud but the loudest one, of course, was your girlfriend.

You gazed at her and blew her a kiss, which she happily caught in her hand.

"So, I'm going to perform a song from my new album next that is really important to me. My girlfriend and I wrote it together and-"

Before you could say another word, you felt someone's arms wrap around your legs from the edge of the stage.

You were close to the edge, so it was easy for someone to grab you, but you hadn't realized that as you'd been too caught up in Taylor and talking to your fans.

Your heart sank as you locked eyes with your girl, who looked on in horror.

It wasn't her grabbing you and you had known it from the moment you felt this person's touch.

It was unfamiliar. Their hands weren't as soft as your girlfriend's and their touch was the opposite of Taylor's - leaving you afraid and extremely uncomfortable.

"Hey! Let her go!" She yelled loudly. "Someone get that guy! Don't let her touch her like that!" Taylor shouted to security, who were rushing to the man who had a good grip on you as he touched you.

"Let go of me!" You pleaded, clearly frightened, and the sight scared Taylor so much.

Finally, after managing to forcefully yank his hands away, they dragged him out of the crowd and then the stadium altogether.

"Are you okay?" Taylor mouthed as you sank to the floor, needing a moment to breathe.

You shook your head at her.

You felt extremely shaken up. You know it can be risky when you're in the position you are and put on such big shows, but you thought you were safe. You thought your fans were good people and for the most part, they were.

You just managed to encounter one of the obsessive ones, the ones that will stop at nothing to manage to reach out and touch you.

"I'm going on the stage. Keep us safe. I'll be back in a second." She told security.

And they nodded, not even bothered by her sudden plan because they knew she wouldn't do anything to harm you, as she's the love of your life and will always keep you safe.

She got on the stage and the fans cheered loudly as she knelt down in front of you, pulling you into her arms for a hug.

People were capturing the sweet moment of her coming to comfort you, which you needed so badly.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt, my love?" She asked as she kissed your head.

"No. I'm just scared."

"I know. That's understandable. It's okay, though. You're safe now."

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of her perfume that lingered on her skin.

"You're safe. He's gone and everything's going to be just fine."

You exhaled shakily but nodded, knowing she was right.

"Do you think you can keep going?" She asked as she pulled away from the hug and cupped your cheeks in her hands, her blue eyes gazing into yours.

"I think so."

"Good. You're safe. I'm right there and the guards are here to help keep you safe too. You're okay, sweet girl. I promise."

"Okay. Thank you, Tay."

She pecked your lips before helping you stand and walking off the stage.

The guards helped her down and once she was back on the floor and her eyes were back on you, you felt safe enough to start performing the song you wrote together.

She kept her eyes on you the whole time, ready to jump on that stage and do whatever it takes to keep you safe at any given moment.

She'd never let this happen to you again, no matter what it is that she has to do to stop it.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now