double the joy (requested)

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"I'm so excited!" Taylor said as she stood by you as you laid on the chair in the doctor's office.

Her hand is wrapped tightly in yours, her grip strong but not nearly strong enough to hurt you.

"The day has finally come, y/n. We get to see our baby for the first time!" She grinned and you couldn't help but smile along with her.

Of course, you're excited too. You're the one that's carrying this little life. Knowing you finally get to see them today is so exciting.

However, you're feeling a little unwell.

Being pregnant isn't always delightful. You've found that out from the terrible morning sickness you're struggling with.

But it'll be worth it in the end.

That you know for sure.

You didn't have the chance to say a word to Taylor as she stroked your cheek, because the door opened a second later and in walked the doctor.

"Hello!" She greeted and you both greeted her back.

She walked to you, getting everything ready as she asked you questions about how far along you think you are and how excited you and Taylor must be, apologizing for making you wait as soon as she watched Taylor nod her head quickly from excitement.

"Are you ready?" She asked and you nodded, jumping a bit over the gel that was squirted onto your skin.

Taylor kissed your hand, bringing it to her lips as she tapped her foot on the ground and intently watched the fuzzy picture on the screen.


Taylor's heart almost stopped as the word fell from the doctor's lips.

"Oh? What do you mean by 'oh'? Is everything okay? Everything's okay, right? Please tell me everything's okay." She pleaded, feeling anxious and protective.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it in a bad way. I just didn't expect to see what I see."

"What do you see?" Taylor wondered, brushing her thumb across your knuckles.

"I see two babies."

You and Taylor looked at her in shock then at each other with big eyes before looking back at the doctor.

"Are you serious?" You asked, tears filling your eyes.

"Oh, I'm serious. Look right here," she pointed to the screen, allowing for you and Taylor to see the two tiny pea-sized babies.

"Oh," Taylor chuckled through her tears, holding your hand even tighter. "They're so small. But they're so precious."

"I love them already." You sniffled.

"Congratulations." The doctor grinned. "Want some photos?"

"Yeah. We've been waiting until today to give the news to everyone, so we could have photos to show them." Taylor explained.

"Well, now you can tell them that you're having double the joy!"

You both nodded through your tears and Taylor helped you sit up, helping you wipe the gel off of your stomach.

As soon as the doctor left the room, Taylor started to cry.

She'd shed a few tears before the doctor left, of course.

But she was so happy, so full of joy that she couldn't help but sob. It was such a happy, joyful moment for the two of you. It meant everything.

"Oh, Tay," you sniffled and rubbed her back.

"Twins, y/n. We're having twins. Two babies. We've been wanting one for so long, impatiently waiting and desperately hoping we'd have our own family, even just one baby... and we're having two!"

"I'm so excited," you cried with her and she dropped her forehead against yours before putting her hand on your stomach.

"I'm going to spoil them both rotten. I love them already."

"Me too." You sniffled and shared a sweet kiss.

You chuckled tearfully and dropped your forehead to Taylor's shoulder as she began to wonder about what they'd be, swearing she'll love them endlessly and unconditionally for as long as she lives.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now