you did it, baby (requested)

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"Wow, wasn't that an amazing speech? I know I will never forget it." You heard a lady nearby say as Taylor finished up her speech.

You slipped your phone into your pocket, cheering along with everyone else for Taylor as she accepted her honorary doctorate.

Noticing the tears of pride in your eyes, Scott pulled you to his side to give you a squeeze.

He's feeling the same way, just as proud of who Taylor has become as he, once again, watches her achieve something so incredible.

Her words are lingering in your brain.

The speech she gave was truly amazing.

From her jokes about her feeling as though she was ninety percent sure she was there because of her song twenty-two, to her talking about the hard times and obstacles she's overcome, to her inspiring words about the future.

It was all magical and you're feeling so proud.

"Send me some of those photos and videos you took of her today," Scott said and you giggled before nodding.

"Don't worry, I have a ton of them." You said as you pulled your phone back out of your pocket, showing him some of the photos you took of Taylor.

You took a few back at the apartment after she got into her cap and gown.

You took some of her in the car - a few that she happily posed for while the others you secretly captured when she wasn't paying attention - and you took a few just a few minutes ago.

It was a little while later when Taylor started following the students down the stage, making their way down the path as everyone cheered for them.

The whole thing lasted only a little while longer before it was finished.

As students burst into tears and hugged each other after finally graduating, Taylor was just looking around for you.

And when your eyes met, she ran to you faster than she ever has before.

She tried not to step on her gown as she rushed to you, smiling and laughing joyously as she finally reached you while people watched on.

She threw her arms around you, both of you melting into each other's warm embraces.

"I'm so proud of you, Tay," You whispered, blinking away the prod tears in your eyes as you held her tightly. "You deserve this so much."

You could hear the sound of people taking pictures, families of the students now closer to Taylor than they ever expected to be.

But they watched the precious sight from afar, refusing to come up and ruin your moment.

"I can't believe that all happened." She said. "It feels so surreal, like a dream."

"It's not a dream though, my love. It all happened. You did it, baby."

She squeezed you a little tighter, her hands brushing across your back.

"Congratulations, my love."

She couldn't help but smile as you continued to hug her tightly.

"I hate to interrupt but I'd like a hug, too." Scott joked.

You and Taylor laughed as you let her go.

She hugged her dad tightly, tearing up with happy tears as he repeatedly told her how incredibly proud she makes him.

It was a beautiful thing to witness.

As you gaze at her, you can't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion.

She's come so far.

She's achieved so much.

It's crazy to see how much she's changed the world and changed so many lives, some of the students that graduated with her included in that, and to watch her be showered with so much love after she's worked so hard for so long makes you so happy.

You don't care what anyone says; those who said this honorary doctorate was so common and nothing huge meant nothing to you at that moment.

Those who said it shouldn't be blown out of proportion and be celebrated this much just faded from your brain.

At first, those people confused you and upset you, but now you just shake your head at them because there is no one who deserves what Taylor has achieved more than her.

And no one can argue about that, because no one has impacted people's lives and the world with the things she's done with her music the way Taylor has.

"Y/N?" Scott said as he tapped your shoulder, grinning. "Let me take a picture of you and Taylor."

"Okay." You grinned and handed him your phone.

"Do you even have enough storage for me to take a few photos of you two after all the videos and pictures you've taken of Taylor?' He teased.

"Baby? How many did you take?" She wondered with a big smile.

"A lot," Scott said, making you bury your face in your hands as you tried to hide how flustered you felt over being busted about that.

"Oh, is that so?" Taylor asked as she kissed your cheek.

"Okay, I won't deny it. I'm so proud of you. I couldn't resist."

"Aw, my sweet girl," She giggled before she hugged you tightly, her cheek resting on your shoulder.

Scott took a few photos of you and Taylor before you took a few of them together.

"I love you, Tay." You said before she kissed your lips.

"I love you more." She said as she put her hands on your hips, lips moving sweetly against yours as Scott snuck a few photos on his phone, unable to stop himself from smiling.

You hugged her close after you pulled away from the kiss, your head resting on her chest as she laid her head on yours.

"Congratulations, Tay. This is so well-deserved. But, believe it or not, there's still so much more to come. That I know for sure." You said and her smile just grew bigger while Scott watched on, adoring how much you and Taylor love and care for each other.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now