break up prank on you (Taylor's revenge) (requested)

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You walked through the door with a heavy sigh.

You closed your eyes as you felt the weight of the world on your shoulders lift as soon as you felt the warm feeling rush over you from finally being home.

You could smell Taylor's perfume in the air and it made you smile a little.

You opened your eyes and felt the once content feeling disappear as soon as you saw the packed suitcase and bags on the floor. You felt your heart race just at the thought of Taylor leaving.

It happens often and you always make it through just fine.

She's on top of the world every day and you know she's a busy woman. Things come up, sometimes very suddenly.

But that's a rarity.

Usually, you have time to prepare for however long she'll be away.

She hadn't mentioned anything about leaving, so it worried you a lot.

You heard the sound of wheels across the floor upstairs. You lifted your head and saw Taylor at the top of the steps with another suitcase being wheeled behind her.

"Tay? What's going on?"

"What's it look like, y/n? I'm leaving." She sighed as she reached the last step and put the suitcase beside the other bags.

"I can see that." You spoke calmly, despite the fact that your heart was beating quite fast against your chest. "But where are you going?"


"You're already home though." You chuckled nervously.

"No, y/n. Not anymore. I'm going back to my parents' house for a while until I figure things out."

"Figure things out?" You asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What is there to possibly figure out? What'd I do?"

"I don't want to talk about it, y/n."

"Well, I do! Obviously, it must've been something really terrible if you're leaving. You can't just walk out without an explanation! Tell me what I did wrong. Please."

It broke her heart to hear you plead for her to tell you what you've done wrong when you've done nothing wrong whatsoever.

But what was she supposed to say?

It was a stupid prank and she didn't want to cave just yet. You lasted so much longer. She had to do the same.

"You've done nothing wrong. It's me, not you."

"Oh, here we go with that stupid speech." You huffed as you began to panic a little.

The thought of losing Taylor is too much to bear for you.

"It's not you, it's me? Really, Tay? That's where we're at in our relationship now?"

She didn't say a word. She just hung her head with a sigh.

"Please don't go." You pleaded through the tears in your eyes. "I love you. You're the best thing to ever happen to me. I don't want to be without you."

"Y/N," she sighed, ready to cave.

But you thought it was going to lead to another speech, one where she'd tell you there was nothing you could do and her mind was already made up. One that she'd give you before she walked out of your life forever.

"No, Tay, please." You mumbled. "You're the only one I want. You're the only thing that matters to me. I love you more than anything else. Losing you would be too much to handle. I don't know how I'd even go on without you. You bring me so much happiness. You're all I really have. You're my secret keeper, my best friend, the love of my life."

She reached out to brush a tear that fell down your cheek.

"I don't want to lose you."

"You really think you'd ever lose me?" She asked as she got ready to cave.

You nodded your head.

That's what it sure felt like; that you were going to lose her forever at any given moment.

"Sorry, baby girl. You're stuck with me forever."

"What?" You asked, clearly confused as she stroked your cheek.

"I got you! We're even now. You pulled the break-up prank on me and I got my revenge."

You gasped in shock.

"But... what about your bags?"

She opened one of the suitcases, showing you that there was absolutely nothing inside.

"Empty. All of them."

"That was so mean, Taylor!"

"Hey, you started it!" She giggled as she pulled you into her arms. "You had it coming."

"I guess you're right." You said but pouted, only for her to kiss it away with a smile.

"I love you. You know that I'd never really leave you, right? Trust me, I don't want to be without you either."

"I know. I love you too, Tay."

She pulled you in for another kiss, happy that everything was all behind you now that she'd gotten her revenge.

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