I'm not a cheater (requested)

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Taylor quietly closed the front door behind her as she walked inside. With every footstep on the floor that she took towards the stairs, she tried to take as slowly and as quietly as she could.

It's nearing midnight and you texted her a few hours ago saying that you had a hard day and would most likely crash before this hour due to how exhausted you are.

However, you had no idea that she was on her flight home at that time.

She had to extend the tour a few extra days due to popular demand at a few different places but due to unforeseen circumstances, a couple of them had to be rescheduled which worked for her because she's missed you terribly and feels beyond excited to be able to surprise you by coming home early.

The house was quiet and all of the lights were off, both downstairs and up.

Her sock-covered feet quietly crept across the floor as she made her way to the bedroom, her heart so full of love and excitement that she felt like it might explode from her chest as soon as she walks through that door.

She finally entered the room and she bit her lip to hold back the excited squeal she was so tempted to let out as she turned on the light.

But her excitement dwindled and her grin faded as soon as she looked to the bed.

As soon as the light turned on, you awoke.

But it wasn't just you in the bed you and Taylor share. Selena was there, too.

"Tay? What are you doing home?" You asked as you sat up.

Selena opened her eyes and sat up, gasping in surprise over seeing Taylor standing across the room.

"Taylor! We didn't think you'd be home for a couple more days. What a wonderful surprise!" Selena grinned and watched as you excitedly got out of bed to run to Taylor.

Taylor, however, didn't look as happy to be home as you thought she would.

And when you reached her and tried to throw your arms around her, she pulled away.

"Taylor? What is it?"

She shook her head as she looked between you and Selena.

When she saw the two of you in bed, you hadn't just been sleeping next to Selena. You'd been cuddling with her.

The sight left Taylor fuming and her mind wandered to one place and one place only.

"I can't believe this." She quietly spoke. "My girlfriend and my best friend? You're cheating on me?"

"What?" You and Selena spoke at the same time. "No, Taylor. Of course I'm not!"

"Taylor, why would we ever do that to you?" Selena asked in shock over her best friend's allegation.

"I don't know. But you two looked awfully cozy when I walked in. You were cuddling and holding onto each other."

"Oh, no. Tay, you have got it all wrong." Selena said.

"Taylor, I would never do that to you. I'm not a cheater and I would never ever cheat on you. I love you so much." You said, almost tearful over everything.

"Then what was with the cuddling? And how long have you even been here, Selena?"

"About a week, maybe two."

"Two weeks?" Taylor asked in shock.

"But not for a reason like that. Taylor, I came over here to keep y/n company. She's been feeling lonely and sad these last few weeks. We've hung out and stuff during the day before but I hated the idea of her spending all this time alone when she was so heartbroken. She was crying from how much she's been missing you. She needed a little company with a friend she could truly trust."

"Why didn't you tell me you were missing me that badly?" Taylor asked you, much softer and much calmer than she'd been before.

"I didn't want to tell you. I didn't want to bother or worry you. You get to live out your dreams and do something you love so very much. I didn't want to ruin that."

"You're my girl, y/n. You could never." She said as she caressed your cheek.

"Y/N loves you so much. She would never cheat on you. And look how long we've been friends! I wouldn't ever hurt you that way. I love you, Taylor. You should know both y/n and I better than that."

"I do. I'm sorry, my mind just wandered away from me. I should've never accused the two of you of something so ridiculous."

"It's okay." You smiled and looped your arms around her neck before giving her a kiss; your first one in months.

"I missed you." She smiled against your lips.

"I missed you too, baby."

"I missed you as well, Taylor." Selena chimed in as your lips touched Taylor's once more for another sweet kiss.

Taylor giggled as she pulled away and you let her go so she could hug Selena.

"Missed you too, Sel. Thanks for keeping my girl company while I was gone. It means a lot."

You smiled at the heartwarming sight, so happy that she was home now and everything was better again.

And you're so thankful that you've got a wonderful best friend to always lean on, no matter what.

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