the end (requested)

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"So... this is it, huh?" Taylor asked with a quiet voice.

But, despite being quiet, you could still hear her voice well enough to hear the crack in it.

You tried to hide your tears but it was hard to do when it felt as though everything was starting to fall apart around you.

It was something you agreed upon, something that you both felt was best right now.

Breaking up.

It hurt... deeply.

But you were trying to put on a brave face, worried that if you fell apart and she held onto you, it would make it so much harder to walk away.

It would make you yearn for her embrace more and make you fall to your knees to beg her to not let you go, despite knowing, deep down, that letting go is what you needed.

"I guess so." You mumbled before looking at her, finding her eyes full of tears.

Like you, she was trying to be strong.

She was trying so hard.

But it wasn't easy.

"It's what's best for us. We both need to focus on ourselves a little and follow our own dreams." She said as she placed her hand on your thigh.

And as she brushed her fingers across your soft, warm skin it sank in that this would be the last time she'd ever do so.

"I know." You said. "I know that's what's best for us. But it hurts to think that I won't be coming home to you every day anymore. I won't be brought into your arms or feel your lips on mine. I won't have you."

"You will. We'll be friends. I promise I'm not letting you go completely. I couldn't do that." She promised as she squeezed your knee comfortingly.

"It just won't be the same."

She nodded her head wordlessly, doing everything she could to hold back her tears as you started to fall apart.

"I love you a lot. I can't help but wonder if, maybe, we'll find our way back to each other. I wonder if it's actually the end." She said.

"I guess only time will tell." You sighed and, once more, she nodded her head without a word.

You both felt that there was a lot to say still, but it was hard to get it all out when you knew it would only make everything so much harder.

"I love you too." You said and she looked at you, cracking a tearful smile. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." She softly said before opening her arms. "I worried it would hurt too much if we hugged each other but I need to hug you. Please."

You sniffled as you moved into her embrace, holding her tightly.

"I wish it wasn't this way but we have to do this. It's what's best. You deserve to fulfill your dreams and your career." She said.

You pulled away slowly and Taylor just wanted to pull you back in for another hug.

Because her heart hurt so terribly.

As did yours.

"You deserve the same, Tay."

She exhaled shakily before holding your hands.

"I promise, no matter what, I'll still be your number one fan." She promised and then lingeringly kissed your cheek, a tear slipping down her cheek when she pulled back.

"And you know that no one will ever love you more than I do. I'll be your biggest supporter through everything."

It was a bittersweet moment as you shared one more hug... one last hug.

And it lasted longer than any you've ever shared before, both of you dreading pulling apart.

Because that meant that the end of your love had come, something neither of you ever expected to occur.

But you had to go your own ways, chase your own dreams, and live your own lives.

Maybe, just maybe, fate will find a way to bring you back to each other someday.

For now, soon, when you let each other go, it'll be the end.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now