we don't talk (requested)

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"Taylor, Y/N, come in, come in!" Andrea grinned as she opened the front door.

Taylor was holding onto your hand, squeezing it tightly because she knew that you were nervous.

You're meeting her parents tonight and it's such a huge step in your relationship.

You're very excited but you also feel very nervous, worried that you might mess up or do something to make them not like you.

Taylor keeps telling you that's just impossible but still, the nerves linger.

"It's so good to see you again, honey," She told Taylor as she pulled her in for a big hug. "And Y/N! Oh, honey, it's so nice to finally meet you. Taylor has told me so much about you! You're even more beautiful than she said you are."

A big smile tugged at your lips as you thanked her.

"Come on, follow me into the kitchen. Dinner should be ready soon and Taylor's dad is waiting in there."

You and Taylor followed her mom into the kitchen, where you met Tay's dad.

"You must be Y/N!" He said as he came over to you. "I've heard so much about you, I feel as though I already know you."

You chuckled and shared a quick hug before taking a seat at the table as Andrea served dinner.

"So, Y/N, we're meeting you for the first time. Have your parents met Taylor yet? What do they think of her?" Scott asked.

The question caught you off guard.

That's a topic you don't talk about often.

You cleared your throat and set your fork down on your plate as everyone stared at you.

"Um," You said as you stared down at your lap. "We don't talk."

"Oh. I'm sorry." He said.

"I moved away from home, far away, because we have no relationship. They don't support me."

"Because of your sexuality?" Andrea asked.

"That and some other stuff too." You said as tears began to appear in your eyes. "I thought as I get older, maybe they'd feel bad and miss me and they'd reach out to me but they never have. They said they don't love me. I'm pretty sure they're ashamed of me."

Taylor put her hand on your back and began to rub it comfortingly as you started to cry.

"I didn't know how to handle it at first but it's gotten easier though... I do miss them sometimes. But we'll never have a relationship if they can't support me. I feel bad because it's hard going through life without parents there to support you and love you."

Andrea and Scott looked at each other before getting up from their seats and coming over to you.

Wordlessly, they put their arms around you and hugged you tightly and for the first time in years, you felt comforted.

"It's okay," Andrea said. "You have us now."

Taylor watched, holding back tears in her eyes as she saw how much her parents already adored you and that meant the world to her.

"You have two people now that can be like your parents. We will love you and support you. Always."

"Thank you." You sniffled. "That means a lot to me."

"For the record, we think you are perfect for Taylor. We already love you and look forward to having you around." Scott said.

Taylor put her hand on your thigh and kissed your cheek softly.

"Thank you so much for being so kind to me. It means so much to me."

"Anytime, sweetheart." Andrea smiled. "Now, eat your food. I made dessert too and we can watch a movie after this if you'd like."

You grinned and, for the first time, felt as though you were where you belonged.

You might not have your own parents around but you've got Taylor's and that's more than enough for you.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now