home sweet home (requested)

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"See anything yet, sweetie?" You asked as you sat down next to your six-year-old daughter, watching her as she stared out the window.

She's so excited and so are you.

Today, Taylor arrives home from tour.

She's been gone for far too long and you've both been counting down the days until she'd return, watching them change from triple to double and then single digits, each one making you miss her even more than the last.

She's been sitting on the sofa, looking out the window for the last hour or so.

She rejected your offer of turning on her favorite cartoons to try and pass the time, instead wanting to see the very moment Taylor will pull into the driveway.

"No." She said and you brushed your fingers through her hair before looking out the window.

"Well, it shouldn't be much longer. She told me a few minutes ago that she was leaving the airport, so it should be any minute now." You explained and watched her already bright eyes become even brighter.

It warmed your heart to see. You know this has been hard on her. Taylor made time to talk with the both of you each and every day that she spent away, sometimes squeezing in time to talk more than once.

But it didn't make it any easier. You tried to sing her to sleep or read her stories and although it worked, it didn't quite compare to having both of you there to tuck her in at night.

Suddenly, you were pulled out of your thoughts by the gasp that left your little girl's lips.

"She's here!" She screamed excitedly and your heart started to pound with excitement as you watched the car pull up and come to a stop.

She got up and ran to the front door as quickly as her feet would carry her. ou watched Taylor get out of the car and grab her bags before she walked up the steps to the front door.

As soon as it opened, you and your daughter threw your arms around Taylor.

She dropped her bags onto the floor before closing the front door with her foot and pulling you both in for the biggest hugs she could give.

"Oh, my girls!" She said, the happiness evident in her voice. "I've missed you both so much!"

She let go to lift your daughter up into her arms, letting her throw her small arms around her neck as Taylor peppered kisses across her head.

"You've gotten even bigger since I left. Stop growing up!" She said as she tickled the little girl's sides, living for the giggle that left her lips and the sparkle in her eyes.

"I missed you!"

"I missed you more." Taylor smiled, kissing her head a few more times before gently putting her down.

She looked over at you, her eyes lighting up when they met yours.

"Come here, darling." She whispered as she put her arms around you and pulled you close.

She was so happy that she could just cry. She's missed you both so much, finding herself longing to hold you in her arms and wishing that she was there by your daughter's side every night to wish her sweet dreams and tell her how much she loves her.

Even though she tried to do that every night, it wasn't even close to being as special as it should and as it is when she's actually home.

"Welcome home, Tay." You said as you looked up at her.

She smiled brightly at you, her thumbs brushing across your cheeks before she leaned in to give you a kiss.

"Ew," your little girl squealed, covering her eyes.

"Oh, you're so silly," Taylor said as she let you go and picked your daughter back up, tickling her again.

Looking between the two of you, she felt her heart swelling in her chest. It felt so full. She felt so happy to finally be home again.

"I love you both so much."

"Love you." You smiled, kissing her cheek.

"Love you!" Your daughter said, kissing her other cheek.

"It feels so good to be home. Home sweet home." She whispered as she hugged you both even tighter than before.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now