just one call away (requested)

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"I'm going to miss my girls so much," Taylor mumbled sadly as she rubbed your little girl's back, who was sleeping soundly in your arms with her head on your chest.

She's only a few days old, the smallest and cutest thing Taylor had ever laid eyes on. Her heart was stolen the moment she was in the world, shedding tears of joy as her heart swelled with love in her chest.

But that happy feeling was quickly replaced with sadness that flooded over her when it sank in that her time with your beautiful little girl wasn't as long as she'd hoped for, because she has to leave for tour for a couple of months.

It breaks her heart. She knows she'll probably miss a few milestones along the way. She was so devastated just thinking about that.

"We'll miss you too. But we can facetime a lot. Right?"

"Of course. Every single day, as much as I can." Taylor promised as she kissed your forehead.

"My baby girl. I love you so much. I'm so happy you're in the world. You be good for your mom. I'll talk to you through the phone for a little while. I promise I won't be gone too long." She whispered through her tears and leaned down to kiss Grace's tiny head, brushing her fingers along the small patch of hair on her head.

"Please don't grow up too much while I'm gone." She pleaded and then jumped when a staff member came to her and told her it was time to go.

"I love you."

You saw the tears in her eyes when she said that. She was trying so hard to be strong, but you and your little girl are her whole world and she hates leaving you.

"Love you too, Tay. We'll see you in a couple of months."

She gave you one more kiss before kissing Grace's head once more and then getting on her private plane.

You watched it take off and then headed back to the car. You put Grace back in her car seat. She fussed a little but didn't wake up or cry.

You drove back home as carefully as you could.

You pulled into the driveway and carefully unbuckled the car seat before carrying it inside.

You put it on the floor and unbuckled Grace, smiling adoringly at your little girl and how precious she is.

You picked her up and stood up carefully.

With every step you took up the stairs, you watched your feet move so you couldn't miss a single step. You know you can never be too safe these days, especially when your little girl is in your arms.

Everything seemed fine. Although you miss Taylor already, it's only six in the morning and you're absolutely exhausted.

So you figured, since Grace was just fine and sound asleep, you could get some more sleep too.

But as soon as you walked through the door, it's like something changed.

You slowly put her into her crib and she immediately started to cry.

"Oh, Grace, baby." You mumbled and patted her back as you picked her back up.

You made sure she was changed and you tried to feed her, only for her to turn her head the other way and continue to cry with her face in your neck.

She clung to your shirt with her tiny fingers, sobbing against your skin.

You paced around the room and tried to soothe her, but she didn't calm down.

"Baby, it's okay. I know mom is gone but she'll be back soon."

It only made her wail louder.

You haven't slept much since the night was born. You love being her mom more than anything else in this world. She and Taylor are your everything.

But you're also new to this motherhood thing and Taylor isn't here to help.

But Andrea is not far away, only a couple of blocks down. You know it's early, but you're desperate for some help and guidance.

So you grabbed your phone and gave her a call as you continued to walk around the room and rub Grace's back.

"Hello? Y/N, honey? What's wrong?"

You started to cry as you felt overwhelmed.

"Andrea? I know it's early but Taylor left and I just got home with Grace and she won't stop crying. I've tried everything and I don't know what to do."

Andrea knew that feeling. She can easily put herself in your shoes.

"Okay, honey. Don't you worry about the time or feel bad for calling. I'm on my way and I'll be there in just a minute."

You nodded and ended the call before going back downstairs. You opened the door as Andrea pulled into the driveway. She quickly got out and when she was close enough, she pulled you into her arms for a little hug.

"Oh, sweetie." She spoke sadly as she noticed how truly overwhelmed you seemed to be.

Grace started to wail loudly again and Andrea carefully took her from your arms and into hers.

"Oh, someone is not happy today." Andrea cooed as she walked through the room, looking at her granddaughter with love in her eyes. "You are so cute but so fussy, huh?"

Grace continued to wail but started to calm down.

"You're a good girl. You love your moms but sometimes you just need grandma, huh?" She grinned and kissed Grace's head as she stopped crying and just made soft sounds instead.

"Come on. Let's get you into your crib and we'll go to sleep. Grandma has you, grandma loves you!" She smiled as she took the first step. "You sit down on the sofa, y/n. I'll be by your side in a minute, I promise, honey."

You nodded and sat on the couch as she said. You took a few deep breaths and closed your eyes. You nearly fell asleep, but quickly woke up when Andrea pulled the blanket off of the back of the couch and put it over you.

"Hey," she smiled and sat down next to you. "How are you holding up?"

"Fine. I miss Tay already though."

"I wasn't talking about Taylor leaving, honey. I mean, it's an important conversation to have. But I'm talking about you. You just had a baby a few days ago. You brought a new life into the world. You've got to be tired and stressed. I know the feeling."

"It's been hard." You admitted. "Don't get me wrong. I love Grace, more than anything in the world. I love being a mom. It's the best thing I've ever done and I love her so much. But... I'm stressed. I haven't been eating much."

"You have to take care of yourself so you can care for her." Andrea reminded you as she placed her hand on your shoulder. "It's okay to be overwhelmed. It's okay to feel unsure and stressed and so exhausted you feel like you could just put your head down and sleep for a year."

You giggled and she smiled at the sight.

"That's all normal. This is your first child. You're new to being a mom. This happens with every mom. It's going to take some time. You're doing a fantastic job."

"You think so?"

"Oh, I know so. I see the love you have for Grace. I know she's your whole world. You're doing so good, y/n. Even when you think you're not, you're doing so great. I promise you."

"Thank you."

"Would you like a hug?"

"That'd be so nice." You cried happily and started to relax as she gave you a big hug.

"How about this. I have no plans today, so I'll stay here and keep you company. I'll care for Grace if you need to, which I think you should let me do because you need a few hours of sleep. I'll make you breakfast. You just relax."

"I'd love that. Thank you so much."

"No need to thank me. You just lay down," she paused and helped you lay back on the sofa with the blanket tucked over you and a pillow under your head. "And get some sleep. I'll make you breakfast. Anything in particular?"

"I'm so hungry I'll eat anything."

"Okay." She laughed. "You sleep. I'm here to help."

You closed your eyes and let your stresses fade away, so thankful that you've got Andrea there to help you when you need her most.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now