your parents walk in on you making out (requested)

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You heard the bedroom door close as you finished brushing your teeth. You put your toothbrush back in the holder and rinsed out your mouth before lifting your head, just as Taylor came back up behind you and put her arms around you.

"Hey, darling." You smiled at her in the mirror as she hugged you tight. "I didn't think you'd ever come up."

"Your parents decided to call it a night. They were getting tired." She explained and swayed you slowly from side to side as she hugged you. "I missed you today. I know we've been spending a lot more time together than usual, but your parents keep me busy during the day with wanting to talk so much and show me around town."

"Well, they love you." You said as you turned around in her arms. "Almost as much as I do."

"Love you even more." She said and leaned in to steal a sweet kiss from your lips.

It was only meant to be an innocent peck, a sweet moment shared between the both of you. But these last few days at your parents' house have caused you both to spend a lot of time apart.

Although you still have the nights together, you're both so tired after a busy day that you find yourselves a little too tired to stay awake.

Your parents keep you both busy as your time with them is important to all four of you.

Especially since life has you so busy that you don't see them as much as you wish that you could. So you're soaking in this week and a half with them and Taylor is doing the same.

So the innocent peck wasn't gonna be enough for the both of you and you should've known that as soon as she went in for the kiss.

She deepened it right away, turning it into a passionate kiss as the sparks began to fly.

You looped your arms around her neck while she let her hands travel along your body. She ended up guiding you out of the bathroom and into your old bedroom, where she gently laid you down and climbed on top of you.

You were only in her shirt, so she let her hands travel along your smooth skin right away. She couldn't help the smile tugging at her lips as you breathed out a blissful sigh as you basked in the touch of her hand.

It's been so long since you've had time to share moments like these, so you were almost desperate for her touch and her kisses.

She pulled away from your lips and let her eyes roam along your figure. She smiled brightly at you before leaning in to lay kisses along your jaw.

"You just look so cute in my clothes." She whispered as she let her lips travel and brush along every inch of your skin, her teeth occasionally sinking in and leaving little love bites behind.

You couldn't even wonder about your parents possibly seeing them in the morning. You were too caught up in her caresses and her kisses, too busy craving more from her.

"I love you so much." She whispered. "It's like I just fall even more in love with you every single day."

There was a tug at your heart and a smile appeared on your face, only to fall as a soft sigh fell from your lips as she moved her lips along your collarbones.

Her kisses were hot and heavy, her hands brushing along every inch of your skin. Her heart swelled in her chest, filling with inexpressible love for you as you pulled her closer and laced your fingers through her long blonde locks.

"You're just so perfect." She said and you couldn't help but crave her kisses more, finding that you wanted them to peppered along your lips instead of your skin.

So you looked at her with big eyes and tapped your lips.

"Kiss me again, Tay,"

She pushed her lips back onto yours and moved them passionately in a concupiscent kiss.

Her hand slipped beneath her shirt that you were wearing, her fingers brushing along your skin as you continued to kiss.

You nearly turned her onto her back, wanting to shower her with as much love as she was showering you with.

But before you even got the chance, your bedroom door was swinging open and your father gasped at the sight of you and Taylor.

"Dad!" You yelled out in shock, pulling the shirt back down as Taylor fell onto the bed quickly.

He hurried out of the doorway, closing the door almost all the way but still keeping it open a crack as he tried to remember why he opened the door in the first place.

"I can explain-" Taylor tried to say, only for him to interrupt.

"No need for that, Taylor. You're adults and you do... things. I get it."

You groaned in embarrassment, cheeks turning red.

"I was just gonna say that we were gonna treat you both to breakfast in the morning." He said hurriedly. "Sorry I interrupted. Have a good night now."

You didn't say a word, too frozen in shock and embarrassment, and Taylor was the same.

The door closed and you heard your parents' door down the hall close, too.

You both stared at each other, wondering about how you'd possibly face your parents in the morning.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now