she has a bad migraine (requested)

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"It's okay, Tay. We're home now." You softly spoke as you quietly closed the door with one hand, your other one resting on Taylor's shoulder.

She groaned in pain as the sun came out from behind the clouds, the golden rays shining into the living room.

"Hang on, baby. I'll close them real quick." You said and rushed to the other side of the room to close the curtains, blocking out the sun.

The room was dark and quiet now, giving Taylor a little relief.

But it didn't do much good as her migraine continued to stay intense, making her want to only climb into bed and sleep the day away.

"It's okay, darling. We'll go up to bed and you can relax." You said and kissed her shoulder softly before slowly helping her up the stairs.

She took each step slowly and carefully and you kept your hand on the small of her back the entire time, making sure she knew you were right there with her.

She felt so terrible that you had no other choice but to leave dinner and return home.

She felt bad at first because she wanted to make tonight special. It was meant to be your first date out in so long and it was all meant to be so perfect.

But her migraine hit not long after you sat down and ordered and you know how bad they get, so as hard as it was for her to agree to, she agreed to come home.

"Okay. Here we are, baby. Go ahead and crawl under the covers."

She groaned as you helped her lay down under the covers, miserable as her head pounded intensely.

"What do you need, baby? What can I do to help?" You asked as you knelt down on the floor beside her, your fingers brushing through her hair.

"I don't know." She groaned.

"Do you feel queasy?"

She nodded slowly and you kissed her head as you stood up to grab her a bucket, putting it beside the bed.

"If you need to throw up, the bucket is right beside you." You spoke softly. "I'll be back. I'm going to get your medicine."

You walked into the bathroom and just as you opened the cabinet where Taylor keeps her medicine, you heard the sound of Talor getting sick and instantly rushed back into the bedroom, putting her medicine on the nightstand.

"Oh, Tay. It's okay." You soothed as you rubbed her back as she wiped her lips when she finished throwing up.

"I'm sorry." She said with a shaky exhale. "I just got so queasy I couldn't help it."

"It's okay, my love. I understand." You said and kissed her forehead lovingly. "Here, baby. Take these." You said and held the bottle of water that she had on her nightstand for her while she took a few sips before going back into the bathroom to grab her ice pack.

You returned to her side and found her laying on her back with her eyes closed, making it easy for you to set the ice pack on her head.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

"No problem, baby." You said. "Anything else I can do for you?"

"I'm okay right now. I could just use some cuddles." She spoke quietly and as soon as she said that, you were crawling under the covers with her.

You made sure to be careful with every move that you made, so it wouldn't cause Taylor any more discomfort.

As soon as you were under the covers, you curled up beside her and put your hand on her shoulder.

"I'm here, baby. It's okay."

She kept her eyes closed even as she reached for your hand, taking it into hers.

"Sorry for backing out on our date. You were so excited about it."

"Taylor, don't be silly. It's okay. Your health and well-being come first. I'm happy you told me that you felt a migraine coming on so we could come home. You need to relax and get some rest."

"I'll make it up to you soon."

"Don't even worry about it. Just rest for now." You shushed softly and brushed your thumb across her palm, soothing her a little more.

You stayed quiet as she drifted off to sleep and you stayed still, making sure you didn't wake her or make her pain worse because you know just how badly movement can bother her when she has a migraine this bad.

"I'll be right here when you wake up, baby. I promise." You whispered as you watched her sleep, hoping that she'd feel much better when she opened her eyes later on.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now