my muse (requested)

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Taylor couldn't stop herself from smiling as she sat down for yet another virtual interview.

This one is a little more special than the others she's recently done, as it's her first one since she announced just a few hours ago over social media that her newest album has been completed and will be out in just a few weeks.

She's staring into the camera with bright eyes as she listens to every word that the interviewer says through her AirPods.

"How long have you been working on this album?"

"A couple of months," Taylor replied and watched the interviewer go wide-eyed, surprised over her response.

"It's not that hard for me when I wrote mostly all of the songs on my own this time around and I'm doing better than ever, which has allowed me to pour my emotions into this album and inspired me greatly."

"A lot of love songs inspired by your girlfriend, I assume?" The lady asked with a smile on her face.

"Oh, of course. I'm very much in love, I've never been as happy as I am these days and that's all because of y/n. She's absolutely incredible. Every time I'd finish a song from the album, I'd sit down and play it for her. Sometimes that was at three, four in the morning. But she still listened to every word of it. She's my muse."

Taylor giggled adorably as the woman cooed over her words.

"You are so cute together." She said as she put her hand over her heart. "I'm happy for you, Taylor. Truly, I am. It's very easy to see how happy you are and how well you're doing. You deserve everything you've got happening for you right now. You fans are so happy for you, so happy to see you so in love, and of course, everyone is so excited for this album!"

"I can't wait for everyone to hear it!" Taylor grinned and chatted with the lady for a few more minutes before the interview ended.

Taylor closed the computer and got up to grab some water.

She's got a few more interviews lined up for the day but she's got about fifteen minutes before the next one. She's thirsty and she misses you.

"Hi, darling," Taylor whispered as she came up to the bedroom to visit you for a few minutes with a glass of cold water in her hands.

"Hey, Tay!"

"I have a few minutes to spare before my next interview. Figured I'd come and see my favorite girl," she explained as she put her water down and then got into bed with you.

"Favorite girl? Don't you mean your muse?"

Taylor bit her lip and when she released it, they tugged up into a big smile.

"You heard?"

"Taylor, you're just downstairs. Also, the interview was live. That's why everyone is already talking about it online."

You put your phone down on the mattress with Twitter already open.

You showed her how the first four trending searches worldwide were either about her, those two sweet words, or the two of you.

Taylor calling y/n her muse is one of the cutest things I've ever heard.

I love how in love Taylor is, another said.

So many new songs coming up and Taylor says most of them are love songs she wrote about y/n. It makes me so happy to know that she's genuinely so happy. They deserve the world. Someone else said.

She scrolled through the tweets with a smile on her face. Seeing all the love and support for the two of you, both as individuals and as a couple, warmed her heart.

She read a few more and she giggled quietly as she realized that a lot of the fans couldn't stop talking about the part of the interview where she talked about how she always plays her songs first for you, even in the early hours of the morning.

It was only the truth.

Those are some of the most special, most cherished memories you have with Taylor.

The moments where she'd wake you up at two am or five am and tug you out of bed and onto the floor where her guitar was already at and the lyrics to songs she's most likely written about you, the love of her life, her muse, were at.

You listened intently, loving the sound of her voice and the way the sweet words fell from her perfect, kissable lips.

She's so descriptive, so romantic, so articulate that it blows you away.

You'd never miss being the first to hear her beautiful songs and genius lyricism. No matter the time, no matter how tired you may be, you'll always love how she wakes up and sings to you about how much she loves you.

"I'm your muse, huh?" You poked her shoulder teasingly.

"You know you are, my love. You're my everything."

You kissed her lips a few times and then kissed the corners before sighing.

"You have your next interview in a few minutes."

"Yeah. Guess I should go back down there and prepare for the next interview where I get to talk about my muse some more," she said as she grabbed her water and walked to the door, and then blew you a kiss before going back downstairs.

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