afterglow - part one (requested)

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This chapter takes place in the reputation era!!


Taylor swallowed the lump in her throat and set her phone down before scooting toward the edge of the bed.

She heard the shower shut off and a moment later, she heard you come out of the bathroom with a sigh.

"Well, I feel a little better now." You said as you threw your towel into the laundry basket.

You walked over to the bed and sat down before staring at Taylor.

You tilted your head and frowned before placing your hand over your girlfriend's.

"Baby, what's the matter?"

Her head was still hung but you heard her sniffle and your heart ached upon realizing that she was crying.

"I don't know what to do." She mumbled.

"What do you mean?"

She sniffled again and looked up at you with sad eyes before pulling her hand away from yours.

"Have you seen what people are saying about me? The media is being so cruel."

You breathed out a sad sigh.

You knew this was bound to happen.

You've been with Taylor for a few months now and you knew when she went back into the spotlight and stepped out of the little bubble that you two had been in together for a little while that people would start being heartless and hateful toward her once again.

It's the entire reason why she left in the first place.

It's the reason she chose to take a step back and live a quieter life - so she could escape from all of that.

And now that she's back, all because she went to the gym earlier today, people are being awful towards her once more.

"They're writing articles about me and commenting on my body and saying such awful stuff." She sniffled. "I just hate this part of my life."

You moved your hand away from hers and placed it on her shoulder instead.

"I'm here for you, Tay."

"Yeah," She said before sighing. "That's the thing though. Y/N, I don't want you to have to go through this. I don't want you to have to deal with the hate and the constant invasion of privacy. I don't want you to have to deal with all of the downsides my life brings."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that," She paused as and looked up at you, right into your eyes. "We should break up."

You only had one word to say in response.


And it took Taylor by surprise.


"No. We're not breaking up."

"But I'm trying to help you, baby. I'm trying to protect you. I don't want you  to have to deal with any of this."

"But it's worth it if you're the one that I get to be with!" You said and watched her gaze soften a bit. "Taylor, I don't care what people say about me. I don't care what the media comes up with or the articles they may write about me or us. I love you and I only want to be with you."

"Really?" She asked as a smile began to tug at her lips.

"Really. Tay, all of the hate and negativity is easier to handle when I have you. I can deal with it because I've got you."

She took your hands into hers and squeezed them tightly.

"If you think they're going to scare me away or I'm going to get fed up with it and just walk out someday, you are so wrong. Because you're stuck with me and I'm not going anywhere."

"Thank you." She said before throwing her arms around you and hugging you tight. "I needed to hear that. I'm sorry for thinking something so stupid."

"No, Tay, don't apologize. I know you must be scared but you're never going to lose me. I can handle whatever life throws at us as long as we're together."

She pulled away from the hug to kiss your lips softly, causing you to hum against her lips.

"Do you feel better now?"

"Yeah." She said as you began to brush your fingers across her cheek. "Will you cuddle me?"

"Of course." You replied before laying down beside her.

You stared into her eyes as she held one of your hands in hers while your other brushed across her cheek.

"I love you so much, baby." She said as she put her forehead on yours. "Thank you for always loving me for who I am and for being here for me."

"Always, my love. I love you too."

She leaned in to kiss your lips as you tangled your legs with hers, only for her to pull away from your lips with wide eyes.


"Mind staying here for a few minutes without me? I have an idea for a song."

"Sure. Just hurry back. I'm sleepy and I want to cuddle with you." You said and she kissed you once more before getting out of bed.

"I promise, I'll hurry." She said and tucked you in under the blankets before she left the room.

She went down the hall to her writing room and sat down with her notebook and a pen, writing a song that fans would come to know and love as afterglow, leaving her feeling proud.

She knew it had to be on the album she was working on and she knew she had to dedicate it to you.

She just hoped you'd love the song as much as she does.

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