towel prank (requested)

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"Y/N? Are you out of the shower?" Taylor asked as she opened the bathroom door and she smiled to herself upon finding you standing in front of the mirror, the blue towel wrapped around your body.

"I see that you are." She smiled as she walked up behind you, kissing your cheek. "What's taking you so long? I missed you."

"I was just in the shower for a few minutes." You giggled and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah, but I spent the entire day away from you and I've been waiting in the bedroom for you to come out and you've been taking longer than usual and, as I said, I miss you." She said, pouting her lips.

"I missed you too, baby." You said, smiling brightly at her.

She decided to help you by picking up your dirty clothes from the floor, hoping that would get you to bed sooner soo she could cuddle you.

While she was behind you, she hadn't seen that you had your TikTok open, which was a relief for you because it meant that you could still pull off the little prank you've got planned.

While she was being kind enough to grab your now dirty clothes to toss them into the basket for you, you decided to hit record.

When she looked back up at you, she furrowed her eyebrows as she noticed that you were filming another TikTok.

She shook her head with a smile, thinking it was an innocent little video since you were doing the little dance that's included with the prank.

However, her smile faded as soon as she saw you reaching to undo your towel.

She had originally been leaning against the door to watch you film with an adoring gaze, so she was able to rush to your side quite fast.

However, not fast enough.

Because she watched your towel drop to the floor before she could reach your side.

"Y/N!" She panicked before watching you throw your head back with a laugh as soon as she realized that you weren't naked, but rather fully clothed in one of her shirts and a pair of your pajama shorts.

She put her hand over her chest and tried to calm down as her heart continued to hammer against her chest.

"Don't do that!" She said as she playfully, and lightly, hit your arm with the towel that had fallen to your feet. "You scared me!"

"I'm sorry, Tay!" You laughed as you hugged her, feeling that her heart was still beating fast against her chest.

She wrapped her arms around you, laughing against your neck as she began to find the humor in the prank.

"Did you really think I had no clothes on under the towel?"

"Yes! I only saw the towel!" She said as she kissed your head, laughing against it. "I love you but don't scare me like that."

"I love you too." You giggled, kissing her neck lovingly as she continued to hold you close.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now