kissing on stage (requested)

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The cheers coming from all of the fans in the crowd made Taylor's heart race.

It felt so good to be back on stage, in front of the fans that adore her more than anything, and whom she adores right back.

She just finished performing death by a thousand cuts and with a big surprise in store for tonight, her hands are almost shaking due to the excitement she felt.

And as excited as she was to share it with all of the fans, she waited for them to calm down a little and just grinned from ear to ear as she looked all around the stadium, trying to wave and look at as many as she possibly could.

"I have a surprise for you all tonight." She said a couple of moments later after everyone quieted down a little. "Would you all like to know what it is?"

The fans all screamed loudly in response and, standing backstage, when you heard that, it made your nerves vanish a little and caused your heart to swell.

"Good, because I'm so excited to share it with you all. I've had the idea of performing with the person that I love more than anything for the longest time. I'm sure that you all know my girlfriend, y/n, right?"

She grinned as the fans screamed once more.

"Good. You know, we tend to write songs about each other a lot. She's my muse and I'm hers. With that being said, we've been wanting to perform together for as long as I can remember, and tonight we decided we'd do that!"

You took a deep breath before you began to walk on stage and over to Taylor.

She held her arms out for you and when you were close enough, you threw yours around her and held her tightly.

As the intro to the song you'd be singing together began, she playfully booped your nose before sending you the brightest smile.

"My love was as cruel as the cities I lived in. Everyone looked worse in the light." She sang, her hand wrapping around yours to hold it tight as you sang together.

"And I can still see it all in my mind. All of you, all of me intertwined. I once believed love would be black and white. But it's golden." You sang together as she spun you around, only to wrap her arms around you and hug you from behind as you continued to sing together for a couple more sweet, romantic moments.

Even though you were far from being alone with her, it still felt as though no one existed when you stared into her bright blue eyes and she sang each lyric to you.

This has been a dream of yours, as well as hers, for quite some time now.

Music is very important to both of you and it was obvious from the moment that your relationship was revealed about a year ago, that you were head over heels in love with each other.

Your songs became even better and hers got more love than ever before, the ones she wrote about you becoming some fan favorites.

It's easy to see how in love with each other you are but for these fans in the crowd, getting to witness the love and magic you share together was a sight to see.

"Like daylight. It's golden, like daylight." You sang together. "You've gotta step into the daylight and let it go."

A few seconds later, you finished singing, and she smiled adoringly at you.

"I love you." She whispered in your ear before kissing your cheek.

"I love you more."

"Everyone give it up for my girl!"

The fans loudly cheered and you grinned before thanking them.

You planned on going backstage again to let Taylor finish her show.

But she stopped you from doing so by gently taking your wrist into her hand as you started to walk away.

And despite the fact that neither of you is all that into PDA, she gently turned you around to face her before she cupped your cheek and put her lips on yours for the several thousands of fans in the crowd to see.

People were capturing the moment, of course. They don't come around that often since, again, you're not into much PDA, so it was one thing they never wanted to forget seeing and wanted to show the rest of the world that they'd been lucky enough to witness the love between you both.

Her lips moved softly against yours, her hands gently resting on your cheeks as you put your arms around her neck, enjoying every sweet kiss you shared.

No one else existed at that moment. Only the two of you did.

You never wanted the moment to end. It was so perfect, every kiss more romantic and sweet than the last.

But soon, you were brought back to reality that thousands of fans were watching, and you pulled away with a smile.

"Thank you for performing with me, sweet girl." She smiled as the fans screamed over how cute you are together.

"Thank you for letting me perform with you. I had so much fun."

"We'll have to do it again soon." She suggested and you nodded in agreement, sharing a couple of kisses more before you waved to the fans and started to head backstage, leaving Taylor smiling bigger and brighter than before.

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