bigger than the whole sky (requested)

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Author's note: this chapter contains very sensitive content. It involves the topic of miscarriage, which I know is very hard for some to read. So please, do not read this if you are not comfortable with it.

And if you do read this, I suggest you listen to bigger than the whole sky while you read it.

This took me a while to write and it's the only thing I listened to while writing it and it's also based on the song. So I highly recommend you listen to it to bring the chapter together a bit more.


"Taylor! Taylor, wake up!" You excitedly saod as you jumped onto the bed, waking up your very sleepy wife.

"What, baby, what is it?" She sleepily mumbled.

"Taylor, get up. I have to show you something!"

She groaned as you pulled her out of bed and dragged her by the hand into the bathroom.

You stopped at the counter and waited for her to finish rubbing the sleep out of her eyes before she looked to see what you were seeing.

A gasp escaped her lips and she grabbed the positive pregnancy test off of the countertop with shaky hands, needing to be sure that she saw it closer just to make sure that it was real.

It seemed so hard to believe and too good to be true as you've been trying to start a family for the longest time.

It's been several months of failed attempts and lost hope that this day would ever come.

But it has.

It's finally happened.

You're pregnant.

"You're pregnant, baby? Oh my god!" She said as she put the test back down and then pulled you into her arms. "This is the best day ever! We're finally going to be parents!"

She spun you around and let a tear fall down her cheek as the happiness overwhelmed her and the start of your dreams of having a big, beautiful family together finally came true.


That was a few weeks ago and since then, things have been going wonderfully.

Even though you're not very far along, Taylor has been spoiling your baby already.

Of course, since you're not far along, you have no idea what you're having.

But that hasn't stopped Taylor from buying your baby as much as she possibly can, buying them in gender neutral colors so it would be perfect for them either way.

Toys, clothes, furniture - she's been buying it all.

The two of you just couldn't wait to meet your baby and you wanted them to feel as happy and as loved as possible.


You were at the store, looking around at the cribs with a cartload of things for the baby.

"Should we do something simple like white? Or should we go with black? Or maybe we could get one custom-made! We can make it any color you'd like."

"I don't know, baby. I think we still have a lot of time to decide on that."

She sighed as you continued to walk through the store, one hand in hers while her other pushed the basket.

You suddenly stopped walking though and winced in pain, making Taylor's heart drop.

"Is everything alright, darling?"

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now