WAP (requested)

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After a busy and tiring day, Taylor thought she'd be greeted with hugs and kisses from you when she walked through the door.

Instead, what she was greeted with was the sound of a familiar song playing loudly from upstairs in your shared bedroom.

She curiously walked up the stairs and down the hall, every word in WAP getting louder with every step she took.

She couldn't help but smile when she reached the doorway and stood there for a moment because, right away, she saw you wearing her shirt and a pair of your coziest sweats.

"You like that song, huh?" She joked as you restarted the song before putting your phone down on the nightstand.

You turned to stare at her and felt your heart pound as you excitedly began to wonder what her reaction would be like when you started to do what you've got up your sleeve.

"Yeah." You smiled.

You stared back at your phone and Taylor came up behind you, hugging you as she watched you load up TikTok.

She wasn't thinking much about the two going hand in hand. You're both active on TikTok and sometimes you don't go on there to post but to scroll through everything and see what people are up to, especially swifties.

"What are you up to?" She asked, kissing your cheek.

"I'm going to film a TikTok! I want to join in on a... challenge going around."

She furrowed her eyebrows over the emphasis on that one word but she let you go so you could have some time to shine on your own.

She watched as you set everything up perfectly before you skipped to that one part of the song and began filming.

It all clicked then in that moment and when it did, Taylor's eyes got huge.

She rushed to your side and gently pulled you up from the floor. She pulled your back against her chest and wrapped her arms tight around you, staring into the camera with a pout on her face.

She was holding you protectively, almost hiding you under the cozy sweater that she had on.

"Tay," you laughed. "I have to get back to filming the challenge!"

"I don't think so," she said, holding you tighter. "No one gets to see my girl do the WAP challenge except for me."

You laughed and felt your heart flutter as she kissed your head.

"Tay, baby, I wasn't going to actually do it. I was just messing with you."

"If you say so," she giggled, kissing your neck lovingly. "But seriously though, my love. That's for my eyes only. You're mine, only mine." She smirked, kissing your soft skin a few more times. "I love you, darling."

"I love you too." You smiled brightly and tapped your lips, wordlessly telling her to give you a kiss, which she happily did.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now