"can I play with your fingers?" (requested)

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You took your seat beside Taylor in the very front row.

Tonight is the AMA's and to say you're feeling nervous about it feels like an understatement.

It's a huge night for her, with a few nominations in some major categories, and you're excited for her.

But you haven't been to many awards shows with her although you've been together for almost a year.

Not because you don't want to tag along but rather because you never know how you'll handle it.

See, you've got a tendency to fidget quite a lot. It's hard to control sometimes, nearly impossible, and you're never sure how you'll handle that with so many people around and so many eyes on you.

But Taylor assured you that everything would be okay, promising that she'd be there to help you when you need it and comfort you through anything and everything.

And you knew that she would. She's the most amazing girlfriend and she never breaks her promises. Not ever.

"Are you okay?" Taylor asked, placing her hand on your knee as she gazed at you adoringly.

"Yeah. I'm okay right now, Tay. Thank you for asking."

You kissed her cheek and she smiled from ear to ear.

"You look beautiful tonight. Have I told you that?"

"A few times." You giggled. "Thank you though. You look beautiful too."

She kissed you before the show started, the opening artist performing their song before the awards began.

You were okay for the first few minutes but soon, that itch to move started and you tried so hard to ignore it.

But that only makes it worse and soon, it became too much to resist, your body giving you no other choice but to fidget.

You knew people were looking at you. Fans and other celebrities in the room around you.

You knew the camera could pan to you and Taylor at any second and the thought of people seeing you fidget so much made you panic a little.

Soon, your heart was pounding and your hands were sweating and shaking and it became hard to breathe.

Taylor noticed immediately and she took your hands into hers.

"It's okay, baby. Don't panic. You're okay, everything's okay." She comforted as she tucked a lock of hair behind your ear.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled as you bounced your knee.

"Don't be, darling. It's okay. Can I do anything to help?"

"Can I play with your fingers?" You asked and her eyes lit up.

"Of course you can." She smiled, kissing your forehead as her heart fluttered a little, finding it so adorable how you wanted to play with her fingers to calm down.

She sat down in her seat beside you again, her eyes on you as everything and everyone else faded into the background.

You began to calm down a little, finding your heartbeat becoming steadier and your breathing returning to normal as you toyed with her fingers and found comfort in her.

Her skin was soft, her red nails so pretty, and she could only smile with every brush of your fingertips along hers.

"Feel better, my love?"

You nodded and looked at her.

"You're the sweetest. Do you know that? You warm my heart every day. It's so adorable how you wanted to play with my fingers to feel better."

"You don't mind?"

"Not at all, sweet girl." She smiled, kissing your cheek. "I'll have to pull away if I win anything but otherwise, play with my fingers all you want."

"I love you, Tay." You said as you put your head on her shoulder, your fingers still holding hers as you continued to play with them.

"I love you more." She whispered and laid her head on yours, happy to spend forever in these moments with you; her heart so full and so happy.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now