I'll hold your hand every step of the way - part two (requested)

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A few months have gone by since that very special day since you and Taylor found out about your pregnancy.

True to her word, as she always is, she's been right by your side throughout the exciting journey so far.

The beginning of it was hard. It hasn't exactly gotten any easier yet.

You're still struggling, especially since you're getting further along and your bump is growing quite a bit now.

But the morning sickness was so unpleasant. It hit you at all times during the day. Finding things to eat was difficult, as almost everything made you throw up.

It was agonizing and it lingered for weeks, occurring every day.

But Taylor had been there by your side every time it hit. Everything she had to get done before those days were pushed off.

You, and, at the time, your very tiny baby were more important than anything else.

And you both still are, although your baby is getting much bigger now.

It brings Taylor so much happiness every time she sees your bump.

It's not huge but it's not so tiny anymore either and it's impossible to hide at this point.

This is why you had no other choice but to reveal your pregnancy a few weeks ago.

The news spread like wildfire and the whole world knew it now.

You're very much pregnant and you're convinced there's not a single soul on this planet that doesn't know about your baby, who will be arriving in just a few months.

And that's what leads you to today.

Your cravings are only getting more intense and you can't ignore them anymore.

It's getting late now. It's about nine o'clock. The sun has set and the city is fairly quiet, or at least the part that you're in.

Or, well, at least it was before you and Taylor got out of the car and started to walk to the cozy ice cream shop.

Taylor wanted to spoil you. She wanted you to indulge in your craving tonight, so she was taking you to your favorite ice cream place in town.

Her hand was wrapped in yours and she was smiling from ear to ear.

As you walked down the street in a pair of sweats and one of Taylor's shirts with your bump on display, people started to notice and recognize you.

And then the paparazzi came along and before you knew it, people were everywhere around you.

They were shouting your names, reaching out to touch you and Tay, and they were crowding around you to the point where it was overwhelming.

"Hey!" Taylor shouted as she put her arm around you and held onto you protectively. "Do not come too close! She's pregnant and I know you all know that. Give her some space and don't touch a hair on her head!" She yelled as she tried to get you through the crowd of people.

She was protective of you before finding out about you being pregnant but now she's extremely protective, going from the cute and sweet protective girl to the sometimes so angry and protective of anyone who got too close to you that she could be a little intimidating and scary.

You found it cute. She just loves you and the baby so much. She won't ever let anyone hurt you.

She guided you safely into the ice cream shop and walked with you to the counter. She stared at you with stars in her big blue eyes as she watched you carefully look at each and every flavor and she ordered the one you wanted.

She sat down at a table with you and sat beside you, her hand on your bump as you ate your ice cream, and also fed her a little of it too which she happily ate.

When you finished, she got up and threw everything away for you before coming back to your side and kissing your cheek.

"Ready to go?"

You were about to nod your head when the camera flashes started up again from outside.

"I'm a little nervous." You confessed.

"Don't be. I've got you. I won't let anything hurt you or the baby. I swear it." She smiled and took your hand, kissing it a few times before helping you stand up.

"Just focus on me. Forget them, forget the cameras. Everything will be okay." She promised and, again, made sure no one could touch you or your bump.

She glared at everyone and continued to make it clear that she was not going to let anyone near you or your bump.

It was a scary few minutes, but you quickly got into the car, safe and sound.

Taylor pulled out her phone, smiling at her lock screen that was of your baby from the last scan.

That reminded her of the scan you had tomorrow, where you'll finally be able to find out what you're having and see them again, but bigger now.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?"

"Yes!" You grinned.

"Me too." She smiled back at you. "You know I'll be right there to hold your hand."

"I know. You've held my hand every step of the way so far. I know you're not going to let go."

"Not ever." She said before kissing your lips a few times. "I love you. Both of you. Now, let's go home and watch a movie."

"Sounds perfect." You said as she pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive home.

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