you make a cute tiktok together (requested)

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"Hey, beautiful girl! What are you up to?" You asked Taylor as you stepped into the kitchen, your phone in your hand.

"What am I up to?" She asked as she looked away from the pan of food to the camera in your hand. "I'm cooking dinner. What are you up to? Why are you filming me?" She chuckled.

You set your phone down on the counter and set it up to be sure that it could capture you both perfectly before you went behind Taylor and wrapped your arms around her.

"Just making a quick TikTok."

"Yeah?" She asked with a smile before setting the utensil in her hand down.

"Yeah. I know that we both agreed to keep things private but I wanted to show you off a little."

"I'm not complaining." She said as she tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "Not complaining at all, darling."

"Okay." You said as you kissed her cheek.

"Oh, that's the best you've got?" She asked as she tickled your sides. "That's all I get? I'm making us a nice, delicious meal and I just get a kiss on the cheek? That's it?"

She was only teasing, of course.

But you loved it.

And you were happy to tease her right back.

You watched her eyes close as you started to lean in.

It was obvious that she was expecting a kiss on the lips.

So when you kissed her forehead, her eyes opened wide.

"That's it!" She said and you turned around to run away, only for her to immediately wrap you in her arms and pull you back against her chest. "Where do you think you're going? Huh, cutie?"

You giggled happily as she lifted you onto the counter, away from the hot pan.

She turned the stove off and focused her attention on you.


"Hi. What happened to cooking?" You asked.

"I'll continue in a few minutes. For now, I just want to give my girlfriend a little love." She smiled before leaning in and putting her lips on yours. "That's better."

You smiled and cupped her cheek in your palm as she deepened the kiss slightly.

"Much better."

"Tay, we're on camera. My phone is still recording." You giggled, only for her to bury her face in your neck and pepper kisses across your skin.

She put her arms around you and pulled you closer, towards the end of the countertop.

You wrapped your legs around her hips as she laid her forehead against yours.

"I don't care." She said as she adoringly gazed at you. "You can post this on TikTok. Better yet, let me post it on mine."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded before kissing the corners of your lips.

"Let the world see just how much I love you, my girl."

You put your arms around her neck and pulled her in for a few more kisses before she pulled back to bury her face back in your neck again, fingers poking your sides playfully.

Your giggles filled her ears and warmed her heart as she held you close.

"God, I'm so in love with you." She said as she held you in her arms.

"I'm so in love with you, Tay," You spoke back to her as you held onto her tightly.

You stayed like that for a few moments; just in comfortable silence, holding onto each other as the camera captured every second.

"I should keep cooking. I can hear your stomach growling." She teased.

"Can we post this first?"

"Sure, darling." She said and reached for your phone, smiling at the camera before she turned it off.

She opened her TikTok account and posted the video, letting the world see a few moments of love between the two of you that you usually keep private.

It was a rare treat for the fans that adore you both and your relationship.

Taylor, just for the hell of it, opened Twitter to see what everyone was saying, only to find something out.

"We're number one on trending. And two, and three, and four, and it goes on and on." She said, making you laugh happily.

You set your head on her shoulder as she read through some of the tweets from fans.

"Taylor and Y/N just posted the most adorable video together!"

"Taylor is so in love with Y/N, it warms my heart so much."

"They look so cute together. A match made in heaven."

Some of the comments read.

Some were cute, some sweet, while others were absolutely losing their minds.

It was cute to see.

Her fans supported your relationship completely, so happy that Taylor was finally happy.

And with this simple but cute video, it showed just how in love with you she truly is and that she had finally found the one.

And her fans couldn't be happier for her.

"I love you." You said and she kissed you before returning to the pan.

"I love you more." She said with a grin.

You hugged her from behind as she continued to cook dinner for the two of you to share, both of you so in love and so happy.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now