she gets sick in the middle of the night (requested)

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The feeling of Taylor shaking your shoulder and whispering your name to get you to wake up slowly woke you from your peaceful slumber.

You opened your eyes to find that it was still dark, meaning that it was much too early for you to be waking up on your day off with Taylor.

"Tay," you sighed. "Baby, it's two am."

You rubbed your tired eyes with a yawn. You felt so sleepy and you were so tempted to give in to the sleep your body craved.

But then, you heard Taylor whimper your name, and suddenly sleep became the least of your concern. You quickly turned the lamp on and turned to face your girlfriend.

It broke your heart when you saw her. She was sweating and the color had drained from her skin. She looked like she was feeling utterly miserable, and you knew she felt just that as she clutched her stomach and whimpered in pain.

"Oh, baby. It's okay." You soothed and scooted closer to her. "What's wrong? Tell me."

"I feel sick." She groaned. "I woke up a little while ago and I felt bad but I've only started to feel worse. My stomach really hurts and I'm hot then I'm freezing and I'm sweating and," she paused, looking at you with sadness in her usually bright blue eyes. "I feel really nauseous like I'm going to throw up."

You didn't know what to say. You've been together for a little over a year now and you haven't seen her this sick before. It was worrisome and it broke your heart.

You had to help her. You needed to make her feel better. What could she need? Whatever it is, you'd happily get it for her in a heartbeat. Soup? More water? Medicine? She'd have it in the blink of an eye if she told you she needed it.

You were about to ask her what you could do to help her feel better when, suddenly, she let out another groan. This one was different than the last though. She was covering her mouth and squeezing her eyes shut.


"I'm gonna throw up." She whimpered and you rushed to grab her the empty trash can beside the bed, only for her to try, in a bit of a panic, to get out of bed and into the bathroom.

Because she knew she didn't have much time with the way her mouth was watering and her stomach was turning, she was in a hurry to make it to the toilet. She tried to get up, only for her blanket to get caught in the bedsheet.

By the time you noticed and you rushed to her side to help her, she was starting to vomit.

She hung her head, letting it all out as it fell to the sheets and a little on the hardwood floor. She felt so humiliated by the time she was done, which was just a few seconds later, that her eyes were filled with tears.

"Taylor? Are you okay, darling? Why are you crying?" You asked worriedly as you brushed your fingertips along her arm.

"I'm sorry." She apologized. "I swear that I tried to get up but I couldn't. I couldn't stop."

"It's okay, honey," you promised, trying to force a smile on your face to calm her down, despite the worry you felt. "Taylor, don't worry. I understand. Trust me, baby, I do. It's okay."

She nodded and let out a shaky breath as you kissed her warm forehead.

"Do you still feel like you're gonna throw up?"

She shook her head weakly.

"Okay. Stay here. I'll be back in a second."

You walked into the bathroom and turned on the water, letting the tub fill with cool water for her to relax in.

Getting her in there wasn't easy. You had to go slowly, so it took you a little longer than usual as she leaned on you. She felt too shaky and weak to walk on her own, but that was fine; because you were more than happy to help her and to take care of her.

You helped her out of her sweaty clothes and into the water, where she sighed blissfully as it helped cool down her feverish skin.

"Tay? Do you think you'll be okay here on your own for a minute? I want to go clean up and get you a couple of things so you can go straight to bed when you're done."

"Will you hurry? Please? I don't feel sick again or anything but I just need you."

"I'll be back before you know it, my love. I promise." You smiled and kissed her forehead softly, watching her eyes close and then tilt her head back against the wall before you walked out of the room.

You started off by grabbing her some ice water. Staying hydrated is always extremely important, and even more so now when she's so sick. You also made sure you had some soup, in case she wanted some later, which you thankfully did.

You went back upstairs and grabbed some sheets. You made sure she had some to cover up with, since it'd be more comfortable than her blanket, and then you changed the bedsheets.

You cleaned up the hardwood floor and then took the sheets and her clothes downstairs to get them washed before returning to her side a few minutes later.

"Okay, my baby. I'm back. Did you miss me?" you teased as you knelt beside her on the floor, brushing your fingers through her hair before you grabbed a cloth and dipped it in the water to brush it along her skin.

She hummed contentedly, causing your lips to tug into a smile.

"I did miss you. Always miss you." She mumbled, making your chest fill with butterflies.

"How do you feel?"

"So much better."

That made you breathe out a sigh of relief as you washed her hair and body for her.

"Do you want to go to bed now?"

"Yeah. I'm exhausted." She spoke quietly, to which you nodded.

"Understandable." You said and helped her out of the water.

You dried her off before helping her to bed, where you sat her down and helped her into a clean shirt. You offered to help her into some shorts, but she shook her head and whined that she was too hot.

"Okay, baby. That's alright. C'mon, into bed we go."

She laid against the pillows and started to shiver just a little, so you covered her up with one of the sheets.


"Yeah. Thanks for taking care of me."

"I'll always take care of you, my love." You smiled as you got into bed with her, quickly pulling her into your warm arms, where she started to fall asleep almost instantly as she basked in the comfort of your embrace. "I love you lots."

"Love you more." She mumbled as she drifted off to sleep and you hoped that she'd wake up feeling better.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now