she yells at you when you're sick (requested)

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You tangled your fingers in your hair with a heavy sigh as you reached Taylor's voicemail once again.

Feeling so out of energy that you didn't think you could even do that, you decided to just end the call and try her once more.

She's at the studio today and you're afraid that you might be getting on her nerves since you've called a few times already in the span of the last few minutes.

But you don't know what else to do.

You feel so awful, having come down with some sort of terrible stomach bug that has left you throwing up and running a high fever.

You know Taylor is busy working on re-recording another album but you feel so terrible and you really don't want to be alone.

You know that if you can get ahold of her and explain the situation to her, she'll come home without a second thought and she wouldn't be upset with you at all.

But getting ahold of her seems to be the hard part.

"Hi, this is Taylor," The voicemail started and as your stomach started to turn once again, you ended the call with a groan and got up to run back to the bathroom to be sick once more.

When you finished, you decided to just send her a couple of texts before laying down under  the covers.

You shivered and closed your eyes, hoping that sleep would come fast so you could rest off whatever it is that you've got and you'd start to feel better soon.

You ended up falling asleep for a little while before being woken up by the sound of the front door slamming shut.

You were startled awake, opening your eyes as you jumped.

You sat up as Taylor stomped up the stairs and down the hall until she reached your room.

You didn't think she was upset with you so you sighed in relief as she entered the bedroom.

"Thank gosh you're home."

But she wasn't feeling anything close to what you felt.

She was not happy.

"Why did you call me so many times!? You know how busy I am!"

That wasn't at all what you expected to hear come out of her mouth so it shocked you.

"I had my phone off for a reason. I turn it on to check one simple thing and I see that you've called me a dozen times! Don't you understand how important what I've been doing is?"

"Taylor, I-"

"No, I'm not done yet!" She yelled.

"Stop it." You groaned as you began to feel sick again. "I'm sorry, okay?"

"I had a very busy day today. I'm trying to finish up the last of the songs on this album so I can get another of my versions out and here you are calling me constantly!"

You gave up on arguing with her.

Not just because you didn't want to argue but also because you knew you were going to be sick again and you had no strength to do so when you felt so sick to your stomach.

"It was annoying, Y/N. I don't need you calling me that much! I mean, what could be so important that you have to call me that many times anyway?"

As soon as she finished asking the question, you got up from the bed and ran into the bathroom to throw up once more.

It took Taylor a moment to realize what was happening because it'd all happened so fast but as soon as she heard you vomiting, her anger faded and she ran into the bathroom to kneel behind you on the floor and comfort you.

"Oh, my baby, I'm so sorry." She said as she gently grabbed your hair in her hands. "It's okay, let it all out."

You did as she said, letting everything out that your body wanted to get rid of.

It took you a few minutes to stop vomiting completely but when you did, you pulled away from Taylor and got up to go over to the sink to brush your teeth.

Taylor was still on the bathroom floor as guilt overwhelmed her.

She couldn't believe how she'd spoken to you, especially now that she knows the reason why you called her so much.

"I'm sorry."

It was all she could say.

She felt so awful that no other words were coming to her mind at the moment.

"I'm so sorry."

You finished brushing your teeth, placing your toothbrush back in the holder before exiting the bathroom and going back to bed.

Taylor followed and saw that your arms were folded over your chest and your head was hung when she came into the room after you.

"I just didn't want to be alone, Tay. I feel so sick."

"I know you do, my love. I'm sorry for the way that I spoke to you. You didn't deserve it and I didn't mean it."

"Then why'd you say it?" You asked as you lifted your head to look at her.

She walked over to the bed and sat down on her side with a sigh.

"I'm just so stressed out. I'm trying so hard to stay focused but I'm under a lot of pressure at the moment. I guess it's getting the best of me." She said as she reached over and brushed her fingers through your hair. "Will you please forgive me?"

"Yeah. Because I know you didn't mean it. But don't talk to me like that again, especially not while I'm sick, or else I won't be so nice or forgiving."

She chuckled before laying down and pulling you into her arms.

"I believe you, darling. I promise I won't." She said before kissing your forehead. "You're burning up." She frowned.

"I feel awful. I think I might have the flu." You mumbled as you put your head on her shoulder.

"Well, I'm here for you, baby. I'll take good care of you. You'll feel better in no time, I promise."

You cracked a small smile as you closed your tired eyes.

"Do you need anything?"

"No. Just you."

"I'm here, baby. Right here." She whispered as she rubbed your back comfortingly. "Get some sleep. I'll still be right here when you open your eyes."

You knew she would be.

And you finally felt the comfort that you've been needing since you first started to feel sick this morning.

You were able to fall fast asleep because you knew you were safe and warm with her holding onto you and you knew that she wouldn't let you go.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now