she gets in an accident after you fight (requested)

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You continued to tangle your fingers in your hair and sink your teeth into your lower lip. The fight that you and Taylor shared continued to replay in your mind.

It got so overwhelming for the both of you that she ended up storming out of the house, slamming the door in anger behind her before she drove away with nothing but her phone.

You're still a little upset. The fight revolved around her bailing on the date you've been rescheduling day after day.

She'd missed it again, saying that something important has come up time and time again. But she refused to say what it was, which only made you more frustrated.

But as angry as you are, you're also concerned. It's been almost an hour since she drove away. You thought she'd be back by now.

You know Taylor. You know her better than most people know her, almost even better than she knows herself.

You fight. You've had fights in the past. You're approaching almost two years together, of course, you're bound to have your share of fights and arguments.

But you always make up. Even if you storm off to different rooms to get a grip on reality and come to your senses. Or, in this case, drive away.

You both know your love is strong enough to overcome anything; the worst of arguments included.

This isn't like Taylor. She should be back by now and the fact that you haven't even seen the headlights in the driveway concerned you.

You bit your lip and started to bounce your knee anxiously.

Suddenly, your phone started to ring. You quickly reached for it, thinking that it was Taylor.

But the number was unrecognized by you. You usually wouldn't answer but you had a sinking feeling that something wasn't right with your girlfriend, so you quickly answered.


"Hello. Is this y/n?"

You didn't recognize the voice on the other line. But you still didn't hang up.

"Yes. Who is this?"

"A nurse. Your girlfriend has you set as her emergency contact. Taylor was involved in an accident tonight."

You felt like you couldn't breathe, like your heart was in your throat.


"It was pretty bad and we think you should come down."

"Yeah, of course. I'm on my way right now!"

You grabbed your things and ran out the door before rushing to the hospital she had been rushed to.

You quickly parked your car before rushing through the doors and running to the desk, where a couple of nurses were.


They jumped at the sound of your voice.

"Someone here called me. You said my girlfriend, Taylor, has been in an accident?"

"Yes, that was me." One said as she stood up and started to walk out from the door and to you.

"Okay. Thank you for calling. Where is she? She's okay, right?"

She looked at the other nurse then back at you with a sad sigh.

"We don't know." She said. "There was some major damage done to her car and she was in bad shape when they brought her in. They had to rush her to emergency surgery and they weren't sure if she was going to pull through or not."

It felt like the world stopped spinning. You felt dizzy and your heart was pounding harder than ever before against your chest.

You almost fell to your knees, but thankfully the nurse was there to steady you and help you to a chair.

"I know you're shocked and you're scared. I wish I had an update or more information to give you, but unfortunately, I don't. Hopefully, the doctor will be out soon to talk with you. But for now, you sit here and try to take a deep breath and calm down. We're right there if you need anything."

You nodded weakly, too shocked to even answer.

You buried your face in your hand, jumping a minute later when you felt a tap on your shoulder.

It was the nurse again, but she had a cup of water in her hands for you to drink.

"Thanks." You mumbled and took it into your shaky hands.

There was a lump in your throat, which was also very dry, so you quickly took a few sips.

You closed your eyes and bit your lip, doing everything you could to keep yourself from falling apart.

You were terrified. All you could think about was that stupid fight you shared before she left and all the things you said to each other.

Of course, the words weren't anything too harsh. Even in your anger, you both know what isn't acceptable to say, despite how upset you may be.

You can't take those things back and fights are no excuses to exchange words of hate with someone you love.

But you made it clear you were disappointed in her. It hurt to think back on.

You let the tears fall as you closed your eyes and prayed to the universe that she'd be okay.

You didn't know when you'd have the answer as to if she would be, but you hoped it'd be soon. Because you love her and you can't bear the thought of losing her.

You need her to pull through.

Because you need her by your side for the rest of your life.

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