jealous? (requested)

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Taylor was pouting as she sat on the bed all alone, her arms folded over her chest as she listened to you coo and play with the puppy you'd adopted just a few hours ago.

You've been wanting to get a dog for a while now and you decided that today was going to be the day that you were going to get one.

You fell in love with the sweet little puppy you got as soon as you walked into the adoption center. He became your best friend right away, which Taylor wasn't very enthused about.

To say she didn't like the dog would be a lie. She also adores him. She thought he was so precious when you first saw him, which says a lot because, well, Taylor doesn't like dogs as much as she loves her cats.

It's a sweet, innocent animal that needed a home and she found it oh so sweet that you adored him from the moment you saw him and decided to give him a good home.

But she also didn't like that you arrived home two hours ago and you've barely spoken or looked at her.

You're on the bedroom floor playing with the adorable puppy, giggling as he barked playfully and wagged his tail and licked your hands as you bonded.

You haven't moved since you sat there... two hours ago.

Taylor has sat alone on the bed the entire time. At first, she thought it was cute how you're bonding already.

But it's been two hours since you've paid even the slightest bit of attention to her and she doesn't like that.

Taylor sighed heavily, maybe even a little dramatically.

But it was enough to capture your attention and that's what mattered to her.

"Tay? Everything alright?"

"Sure," she sighed.

"You're lying. What's wrong? Come sit with us and tell me."

"I'm okay, babe." She said and sent you a sad smile.

You kissed the puppy's head before getting up and going to sit down in bed next to Tay.

"Baby, is everything okay?"

"Just keep playing with your puppy."

You shook your head with a giggle, finding her grumbling adorable.

"Are you jealous?" You asked her, gazing at her in amusement.

"No," she scoffed and folded her arms again.

"You're lying." You giggled and poked her sides. "You're jealous because I'm spending more time with him than I am you. Right?"

"Maybe." She mumbled as she pouted adorably.

"Oh, Tay, you're so cute!" You smiled and pinched her cheeks, causing her to whine. "Baby, just because I'm spending time with him doesn't mean I forgot about you."

"I know. I just miss spending time with you." She spoke sadly. "I know you love him and I do too. He's precious and lovable and he's going to be a great little companion. But I want some time with you too."

"That's okay, baby. I understand." You assured as you put your hands on her thighs. "Let's watch a movie!"

"Okay." She smiled and you patted the bed a few times before your puppy jumped up.

While you grabbed the remote to find something to watch, he went to Taylor.

She was petting him as he climbed into her lap and then licked her hands and face, making her laugh loudly.

You couldn't help but smile.

He's already a huge part of the family, so very loved already.

You curled up to Taylor as the movie started and you covered up with the blanket.

He curled up on top of the blanket, right between you and Tay, and she quickly began to coo over him and pet him.

He was going to be so spoiled. You just knew it already.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now