dropping your daughter off on her first day of school (requested)

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"You must be so excited, baby! You're going to make so many friends and learn so many new things." Taylor said as she pulled the car into a parking spot.

As you unbuckled your seat belt, you looked into the backseat where your excited five-year-old daughter sat.

She was excitedly wiggling around in her seat, wanting to just jump right out of the car to run inside and start her very first day of school.

It melted your heart that, moments ago, was aching.

When you left the house a few minutes ago, it dawned on you that starting today, your little girl will no longer be running around the house and be there for you to snuggle.

It was a hard pill to swallow.

"Are you excited, honey?" You asked as you opened her door and unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Yeah!" She excitedly grinned up at you as you held one of her hands and Taylor held onto the other.

Her eyes were big and bright. She was so happy about starting school. She's been counting down the days.

You happily did her hair for her just the way she wanted it and made sure that she had everything she'd need for the day ahead and she was ready to run out the door before you and Taylor were.

"Where's your classroom?" Taylor asked as she looked around until she spotted the teacher you both met a couple of weeks ago. "There!"

Your daughter excitedly gasped before letting go of your and Taylor's hands, rushing over to her teacher with her backpack on.

"Oh, hello. Someone's excited!" The teacher laughed.

"She couldn't wait to get here. She's very excited about starting kindergarten. Aren't you, baby?" Taylor said with a big smile as she stared at your little girl, who was looking up between you and her teacher.

"Well, you can go right in. We're about to start!"

"Wait, sweetie," Taylor chuckled. "Can I have a quick hug first?"

"Yeah," your daughter said before she threw her arms around Taylor's neck as Taylor knelt on the floor.

"Oh, I'm going to miss you. But I hope you have a wonderful day. Be good."

"Okay." She said.

"Hey," Taylor whispered into her ear. "I think your mommy needs a big hug."

Your little girl quickly pulled away from Taylor to throw her arms around you as you sat down on the floor.

"Oh, my baby," you sighed as you held onto her. "I'll miss you and I love you so much. We'll be here to pick you up in a few hours. Be on your best behavior."

"Love you," she said before pulling away.

"Go on," you said and watched her rush into the classroom. "Please stop growing up so quickly." You whispered in sadness.

You stood up and when tears filled your eyes, Taylor pulled you into her arms.

"I know it's not easy but she's going to be just fine." The teacher reassured. "We'll see you later."

The door closed just after you caught a glimpse of your daughter starting to giggle as she already made some friends.

Taylor rubbed your shoulder comfortingly as you blinked away your tears.

Your sweet, precious daughter is your whole world and seeing how much she's grown brings you both pride yet sadness.

"Y/N, she's coming home later. It'll only be a few hours." She chuckled sadly, holding you a little tighter.

"It just makes me realize how fast she's growing up. Every birthday she celebrates, I'm always so shocked to realize how many years have gone by since she was born. But now, it's hitting me hard. She's growing up, Tay. She's growing up so fast. I wish we could stop time and just let her stay this age forever."

"She is growing up, darling. Unfortunately, that's inevitable. She's going to have to learn to stand on her own two feet sooner or later. We have to let go a little so she can become her own person."

"She'll be going off to college soon."

"In a whole thirteen years," Taylor laughed. "We still have a lot of time to go before that day comes.

You exhaled shakily.

"I know it's not easy. It's hard on me too. But we'll make it through. She's always coming home to us. In a few hours, we'll be right back here to pick her up. It'll get easier with time. For now, we have some time to ourselves."

You lifted your head and stared up at her with a small smile.

"Let's go out for breakfast. Someone was in such a hurry that I didn't have time to eat."

You giggled before agreeing.

Sharing a sweet kiss, Taylor pulled away and took your hand instead as you made your way out of the school as you began to countdown the hours in your head until you'd be right back here to pick her up.

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