I watched it begin again (requested)

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Taylor felt the butterflies fill her chest when you threw your head back against the back of the couch as you laughed.

She hasn't said a word so far during the film you turned on.

To be honest, she wasn't enjoying the movie all that much. But she was having the time of her life just sitting and watching you watch instead.

It's a comedy film and you've been laughing a lot during it and just hearing that joyful sound has brought her inexpressible happiness.

It's only been a couple of months since you first met. She's taking things slow this time. Or, at least she's trying to. Because she can feel herself falling head over heels for you.

Neither of you has confessed yet, but she's sure you feel the same as she does.

Because your eyes hold this adoring gaze every time they meet yours. No matter your mood, no matter how rough your day or hers has been, the moment you see each other, the moment your eyes look, it feels like the world around you seizes to exist.

Usually, that'd scare her. To feel such a rush so soon. Yet it didn't. Things are just different with you.

But she's closed herself off to falling in love for so long getting scarred. She's felt such heartbreak countless times before and she was tired of feeling that way. She brushed off the thought of ever falling in love again, thinking that she was content with her cats and her career.

But then, two months ago, in her favorite little cozy restaurant in town, you met. She felt that something was different about you from the moment you met, but she told herself to stay closed off. To never give too much of herself away. To make new friends, but never more.

But now, she's unable to stop herself. Everything about you is making her fall in love. It's a different kind of rush than what she's used to feeling. Before, it felt so scary. But this felt so natural.

She watched you closely, feeling her heart flutter when you turned your head to look at her with that big, beautiful smile of yours.

"Tay? You alright?" You asked, laying your soft hand on her arm.

Taylor felt the butterflies return, filling her entire chest and stomach as you brushed your thumb along her skin in soft circles. Your touch lingered, both of your hearts beating faster the longer it did.

She wanted nothing more than to lay her hand over yours and intertwine your fingers with hers; to hold it, and you,  so tight and never let go.

But she resisted the urge, even though it wasn't easy, because she was not quite ready to confess her feelings just yet.

Because though she knew she was falling in love with you, she just didn't want to stop sharing these special moments with you just yet.

"Yeah. Perfectly fine." She smiled and you turned your head to look back and watch the film.

You didn't tell her, but you could feel her eyes on you. You've felt it the entire time so far.

But you're enjoying it. You like the utter happiness you feel in knowing you're not alone in finding it hard not to stare when the view was so beautiful because you've caught yourself gazing at her and daydreaming about her more than once before.

You looked at her from the corner of your eye, watching her smile along with you every time your lips tugged up. Truthfully, you didn't find the film all that funny. But it makes you feel good to see her smile because of you.

She was gonna tell you. Soon, she'd tell you all the things running through her mind. She'd tell you that she finds herself falling more and more in love with you every time she sees you, every time your eyes meet, every time you brush your hand over hers in a caring and sweet manner.

Honestly though, she didn't know how.

She's written many love songs so far in her time, but all the words that could ever be enough to describe someone so pretty, so kind, so loving, didn't seem to be enough to express how she feels for you.

But, given some time, when the moment felt right, she'd tell you everything. She'd tell you how you're the first thing on her mind when she wakes up and the last thing on her mind before she goes to sleep.

She'd tell you how, even on her worst days, you always make her happier than anyone else can. She'd tell you how afraid she was to fall in love before she met you but how you made it all feel so perfect, that you're the one she's been waiting for.

She'll tell you she's in love with you; everything about you.

But for now, she'd keep it to herself. She'd enjoy the simplicity and utter happiness she feels about falling in love, true love, with you.

She'll steal innocent touches, she'll smile at you and tell you that you're beautiful; because you deserve to be reminded of that.

And she'll keep falling even more in love with you for all the days to come while hoping with all of her heart that you're doing the same.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now