she gets sick on a date (requested)

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"Are you sure you're okay, baby? You don't look like you're feeling well." You frowned as you stared at Taylor, watching as she squeezed her eyes shut and swallowed thickly.

There were a few beads of sweat on her forehead and her skin was losing its color.

But she continued to try to tell you that she was okay.

She put on a smile and hoped that you wouldn't be able to tell that she was forcing it.

That's something she never does around you. She hadn't ever forced a smile around you until tonight.

They're usually all genuine and instinctive. They usually never fade when you're by her side.

She's just always genuinely so happy with you.

But she can see the worry in your eyes and she hates it. It's the first date night you've been able to spend out in so long.

For the last few weeks, they've been spent at home because you've both had some busy weeks and it was so much better than going out.

But she'd promised you a date night out to your favorite spot in town whenever she had the time, and that day had finally come around.

She hasn't told you that she's feeling unwell. You looked so excited about tonight when you asked Taylor if you could go out tonight and she didn't want to let you down.

She was determined to fight through the sick feeling and make it through the night with you.

"I'm just fine, baby. Don't worry about me." She said and opened the menu. "What are you going to get to eat?"

It took a lot for her to stare at the menu and pretend like her stomach wasn't turning just at the sight of the foods that were listed.

As she read through every item, it seemed to turn her stomach a little more.

"I don't know. What are you going to get, Tay?"

"I don't know. Everything just sounds so good." She said as she bit down on her lip, the sick feeling getting stronger and stronger.

"Taylor," you sighed and closed the menu. "I know you're not feeling well. Why don't we just go home? We can have another night out soon."

"No, I promised you that I'd bring you here tonight. I don't want to ruin it or disappoint you." She mumbled with a shaky exhale and took off her hoodie, feeling overheated all of a sudden.

"Baby, I won't be disappointed. It's alright."

She wanted to protest. She wanted to tell you no and insist that she was just fine.

But all of a sudden, her stomach flipped, and she knew she couldn't fight the sick feeling any longer.

She got up and tried to walk to the bathroom as calmly and as normally as she could, so she wouldn't get any strange looks or be recognized by anyone that she passed by.

She managed to get to the bathroom and once she closed the door behind her, out of sight from everyone else, she rushed into one of the stalls and began to throw up.

The door opened and she didn't even have to wonder who it could possibly be. She knew you'd be trailing right after her. She knew you wouldn't let her go through this on her own. She knows how much you love and care for her and there's no way you'd let her go through this without the comfort you know she needs from you.

"It's okay, Tay." You said as you closed and locked the stall door behind you. "Let it all out. I'm right here with you."

She continued to throw up for a moment as you held back her hair and tried to comfort her by rubbing her back and whispering words of comfort into her ear.

"That's it, baby. Let it all out."

She continued for another moment or two, only having enough of a break to take a few breaths before she'd continue again.

But finally, it stopped, and her stomach felt a little calmer after getting everything out.

She flushed the toilet and turned around. She dropped her head on your chest with a groan. All of her energy was gone. She felt so weak and so tired now.

"I'm sorry."

"For what, baby?" You asked and stared down at her in worry.

"Ruining our date night out."

"You did not ruin anything, my love. It happens. Let's just get you home and into bed."

"Where you'll cuddle me?" She asked and opened her tired eyes, giving you a hopeful look.

"Of course, baby. I'll give you all the cuddles you want and need until you feel better."

She smiled and stood up with your help.

You helped her to the sink and she rinsed her mouth out after you both washed your hands.

After that, you exited the bathroom and she put some money onto the table to cover the drinks you'd ordered as well as a little money for your server before you gathered your things and she took your hand to go out to the car.

She fell asleep on the way home and you hated having to wake her up when you pulled into the driveway, but you knew you had no other choice.

You held onto her as you walked inside, closing and locking the door behind you.

You helped her up the stairs and then helped her out of her dress and into her pajamas before helping her to bed.

"Come cuddle me." She whined adorably.

"I will in just a second, babe. Let me just change and then I'll be right there."

She nodded and closed her eyes until she felt the bed dip just a little as you laid down beside her.

"I love you so much." She whispered as you tangled your legs with hers and let her hold onto you. "I'll make this night up to you, I promise, darling."

"Don't worry about it, baby. You just rest and feel better. That's all I care about."

She nodded tiredly and cracked a small smile as she drifted off to sleep with you caressing her cheek and quietly humming Cornelia Street until she was sleeping soundly with her head on your shoulder.

You hoped you'd both wake up tomorrow and she'd be feeling much better.

But, if not, no matter what, you'll be by her side until she's feeling like herself again.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now