your daughter gets her period while out with Taylor (requested)

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"How was your day today?" Taylor asked Wendy as she got into the backseat of the car, closing the car door behind her before Taylor started to drive off.

"Good. I got a perfect score on my test today!" Wendy said happily as she pulled the paper out of her bag and showed it to Taylor as she stopped at a red light.

"You did! That's so wonderful. Hey, your mom isn't going to be home from work for a little while. What do you say we go get some ice cream together to celebrate? Just the two of us."

"I'd love that! It sounds so good today, even more amazing than usual."

Taylor chuckled. She didn't think too much of it. Your thirteen-year-old daughter has always enjoyed the cold treat and it's been a little time since she last had it.

She just figured it'd hit the spot a little more than usual today, especially due to how hard she's been working on all of her school work and tests.

They pulled up at Wendy's favorite ice cream shop in town and she quickly got out of the car. She waited for Taylor, whining impatiently due to her excitement.

Taylor laughed at how excited she seemed to be. She went to open the door but paused when she saw the stain on Wendy's pants.

"Hang on a second, Wendy. Don't go in yet."

Wendy groaned, wanting nothing more than to get that ice cream.

She knew what that stain was. It was easy to tell with just one look that it was her period.

"How about we come back in a bit. We need to run to the store and then home real fast and we'll come right back." She smiled at her daughter and quickly took off her hoodie to tie it around Wendy's waist as a group of people started to walk by.

"What? No, that's so unfair. You promised!"

"I know. But, you're bleeding."

"Bleeding?" Wendy went wide-eyed.

"You just got your first period."

Her eyes stayed wide, if not going wider as the words fell from Taylor's lips.

"Don't panic. It was going to happen sooner or later and lucky for you, I've always had a plan in mind for if it hit like this. We're going to go to the store, grab you some pads, go home for you to put them on, and change then we'll come back."


"Promise," Taylor said and patted Wendy's shoulder as they got back into the car.

She quickly drove off to a little convenience store. She let Wendy stay in the car since she could sense how embarrassed she felt and how much she dreaded the thought of going inside.

She returned a moment later and drove home. Your car was in the driveway and the realization made Taylor smile.

They got out of the car and Wendy rushed through the door.

"Hey, honey. How was school today?"

She didn't say a word. She just rushed right upstairs to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her in a hurry.

"What happened? Is she okay?"

"She got her first period."

"Oh," you sighed, clicking your tongue.

"She seemed pretty embarrassed and a little panicky when I told her. I told her how to do the pads and to change her clothes. We're going out for ice cream."

"Ice cream? Before dinner?" You laughed and Taylor nodded happily.

Wendy returned downstairs just a second later. She was out of her old, dirty clothes and changed into clean ones. She had her dirty clothes in her hands, shyly looking between the two of you.

"I'll take care of it, Wendy. Don't worry. It's fine."

She sighed in relief and walked to your side to give you a hug.

"Wendy, tell your mom about your test!" Taylor said proudly.

"I got a perfect score!" Wendy said, her mood suddenly changed from shy and embarrassed to happy and proud. "It wasn't an easy test so I'm really proud of myself. I was at the top of the class!"

"That's terrific! Great job!" You said and gave her a little squeeze. "Is this why you're getting ice cream before dinner?" You asked teasingly.

"Yeah. We're celebrating. Mom said it was okay."

You laughed and gazed at Taylor who was bright-eyed.

"Wanna join us?"

"Please, mom?" Wendy said, hopeful that you'd tag along.

"Happily." You agreed and quickly walked out the door after throwing her dirty clothes into the wash.

Your little girl was growing up and you couldn't deny - you felt incredibly proud of the person that she's becoming.

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