Chapter 35

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After hearing Jisoo's recount of the events that transpired, Lisa sat in a daze for a long period of time in his office. Many things ran through his mind, yet, at the same time, he could not retain those fleeting thoughts.

This was not the first time that Irene defended him. When the police officer from the municipal criminal investigation division commented that he did not look like a good person and needed to verify his identity the second day he met her, she rushed up to the officer furiously and harshly stepped on the officer's foot even though he, himself, was already numbed to such accusations and did not even think that there was something wrong with the officer's accusations.

"You're the one that looks like a wanted criminal!" Her voice then was so vicious and dainty at the same time.

At that time, he had thought that she was a little childish. She actually scolded the officer over a casual remark the officer had made. Though it was also because of those very words that caused him to have a slightly better impression of her. Even though it was just a few words, it was the first time someone berated others for his sake.

Afterwards, it was also Irene who helped him to chase away the metaphysical practitioner that came looking for trouble. Speaking of the metaphysical world, he wondered how he got involved with them.

As far as he could remember, he had always been suffering from nightmares. At that time, he still did not know that he was Ephialtes, he did not understand why he was constantly experiencing nightmares. The amount of nightmares he suffered from increased as he grew up, over the years, malice from nightmares accumulated and saturated his entire body. As a result, he became the target of ghosts and evil spirits because the malice surrounding his entire body could allow malicious ghosts and evil spirits to become stronger.

When he was about 10 years old, a ferocious-looking malicious ghost wanted to devour him whole. He was extremely frightened during that time. He grabbed onto a passer-by and told the person that there was a malicious ghost attempting to eat him. However, as the passer-by could not see the malicious ghost, the passer-by thought that he was ill and asked him for his address in order to send him back.

He did not dare to go home as he was afraid that the malicious ghost would eat his parents. Thus, he pushed the passer-by aside and started to run away till he reached a small remote forest somewhere. The ferocious-looking malicious ghost kept following him the entire journey as if waiting for an opportunity to strike. When the malicious ghost saw that there were finally no other people in the surroundings, she attempted to slash his neck with her 10cm long greenish-black nails. He closed his eyes in fright....

...only to wake up without memories of what had happened. He did not know how he lost consciousness. After he woke up, there was an elderly in a practitioner robe beside him. He thought that the elderly practitioner had saved him and wanted to express his gratitude. However, the elderly practitioner told Lisa that the malicious ghost was not exterminated by him. By the time the elderly practitioner rushed over, the malicious ghost had already been devoured by the malice surrounding Lisa's body.

The elderly practitioner said that while Lisa was unconscious, a huge monster materialized from Lisa's body. This huge monster swallowed the ferocious-looking malicious ghost in a single bite despite the ghost being an exceptionally powerful being near 300 years old.

"Child, do you have nightmares frequently?" The elderly practitioner asked Lisa.

"Yes. Practitioner sir, could you stop those nightmares?" Lisa's emotions were stirred up. The practitioner could actually see the malicious ghost and that there were some abnormalities on his body with just a single look. Perhaps, the elderly practitioner would know how to cure him.

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