Chapter 75 Home

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Xie Yun was not being pretentious, after all, she had to take care of the child tomorrow.

The guard was confused, where did the mousetraps come from? How many were there? The key was whose family took the car to get the one.

Although he was confused and didn't ask any questions, Qin Minghao also asked the guard to go to bed, and he could just keep an eye on it.

The trafficker over there didn't wake up even when he arrived at the train conductor's side, but the woman kept shouting that her butt was bleeding and needed to be bandaged, but no one paid attention to her.

They hate these human traffickers the most, because they have caused so many families to be broken up.

Or the train conductor saw that there was too much blood and was afraid that she would faint. After all, he still had to ask questions.

He asked a female conductor who knew how to bandage her to take her to the conductor's room and bandage her.

The female conductor said while bandaging: "You said you still have to bandage. Isn't this a waste of resources?"

The woman wanted to curse, but she didn't dare.

The train conductor tied up all the people, splashed them with water and started questioning them.

The three people were interrogated separately. It turns out that they are two groups, the short man is one group, and the remaining two are one group.

Every action is planned by that woman, and the next home is also planned by a woman.

The short man met them when he went out this time. He had seen them before and knew each other, so he looked for him.

I didn't expect them to fight on the same day, especially when they saw the woman's miserable state, they both trembled. They thought the woman was being tortured, so they asked and said they were very cooperative.

Xie Yun woke up as usual this morning, and arrived at the station more than an hour after eating.

When they got off the bus, Qin Minghao held two children, and the guard and Xie Yun each held one. The luggage was carried behind Qin Minghao and the guard.

When the group returned home, they saw that Aunt Wang and Aunt Liu had returned. They knew that they had burned the kang in the house the next day.

The four little guys were very happy to return to their own homes and no longer looked for their mother and father to hold them.

Xie Yun quickly asked Qin Minghao to go and have a rest. After all, he didn't sleep all night last night.

Qin Minghao was not woken up during lunch, and the guard Xie Yun also let him rest after dinner.

Qin Minghao got up in the evening, went out with Xie Yun and others after dinner, and didn't come back until very late.

The guard left the next day. Xie Yun packed some mountain goods for him and made him some food to eat on the train.

Qin Minghao went out for another day the next day and came back in the evening.

During the day, Xie Yun rested at home for the day and would go to work tomorrow.

In the evening, Qin Minghao asked Xie Yun, "Daughter-in-law, has aunt gone?"

"What do you think?"

"I'm counting the days and it's time to leave, hehe."

Xie Yun also laughed when she saw Qin Minghao, such a fool.

The next morning, Xie Yun and Qin Minghao went to work after feeding their children. They were in good moods along the way.

When she arrived at the office, Xie Yun greeted everyone and started cleaning. Everyone was cleaning. After all, she hadn't been here for a few days, and there was a layer of dust on the table.

Liu Xuemei asked Xie Yun, "Have you ever visited Kyoto?"

"It's fun. The neighbors in the compound get along well with each other."

"Are his grandparents extremely happy to see their four grandchildren?"

"Everyone loves them"

"I really envy you for giving birth to four sons at once, it's so stupid."

"Similarly, raising four children together is also very tiring."

"Well, other people have an older child who can take care of a younger one. Isn't it tiring for you to have the same big child?"

"As soon as I see the children, I don't feel tired anymore."

Everyone chatted about home affairs until lunch, and in the afternoon they chatted until get off work.

The days passed quietly like this, until one day when Xie Yun and the others came home from get off work, they saw a house two yards away from hers, with a lot of noise and a few people moving things.

"Did a new family move here?"

Qin Minghao took one look and said, "Look like this."

"I don't know if Tu and Tu get along with each other, so don't be the best."

"What is the best daughter-in-law?"

"The best is... you know?"

"Yes, I understand."

As they talked, they arrived home. When the four little guys saw their parents coming back, they all called them "Dad" and "Mom" happily.

Xie Yun and Qin Minghao washed their hands and went into the house to get rid of the cold before they started to hold their children.

Each child was hugged for a while and their little faces were kissed a few times.

This little face is so tender, it makes people want to touch it.

Xie Yun thought and touched her face again. Well, her face was also very tender.

Xie Yun and the others never expected that their area would become restless after the family moved there.

It was the home of a group leader, and the group leader was a legendary top performer.

Xie Yun can now explain to Qin Minghao what the best is.

Since the old lady called, she has been borrowing soy sauce from the east side and green onions from the west side.

No matter how much I borrowed, I never saw her return it.

She also borrowed soy sauce from Xie Yun's house, and later came to borrow matches.

Someone came to borrow some noodles, but Aunt Wang and the other two excused themselves by saying that they didn't have any, so the old lady became unhappy and mumbled away.

"It's really like returning the money to the factory manager's house. I don't even want to borrow any noodles. I eat well by myself all day long and don't know how to help others. It's really selfish."

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